SouthWest Florida Fishermen
SHARKS are everywhere. backwater, off shore, rivers and they are running large and larger. Use big baits for big fish and hang on.
Saturday before Easter, one 42" snook, slack tide, live pin fishMonday, after Easter, one 38" snook, slack tide, live pin fishFishing has been great in the Naples/Marco/10,000 island area
Sharks are biting, Tarpon are biting, Snook are biting and that's just today. 160# Tarpon, 200# Bull Shark, 42" Snook, fishing is good, life is great. Tight Lines!!
Had a father and son out shark fishing and caught two. One Tiger Shark about 400#s and one Hammerhead about 750#s. Tiger took about two hours to get to theboat where it was released. Hammerhead took a bit longer at about 3 1/2 hours to get it to the...
Sharks are everywhere. Landed on Black tip on the beach last night about 150#. Tonight the sharks win, first throws the hook, second steals the bait and misses the hook, thought the third was going to spool me with 200 yards of line out so far so...
The one day that we got out on the gulf the fishing was good. Grouper and Snapper in the box for dinner and life is good. Fished in 3 foot seas and had to stay under 20 miles but made it work. Another windy day here. Ready for clam seas!!
Water warming up off shore to say nothing of backwaters. Yesterday 74 to 76 degrees off shore. Went out to fish sharks yesterday alone and had an outstanding day with two doubles, losing one of two each time and that's a good thing, six black...
Well the group is kind ofat a stand still. Please invite a friend to join us here.Water off shore and backwater is heating up and the fishing is starting to change back to the summer patterns. We have a cold front coming but that means 60s here....