SouthWest Florida Fishermen
Nothing but action all day in the backwater from 8 AM to 3PM today. Spanish Macs, Spotted Sea Trout, Silver Trout, Pompano, Sheepshead, Blue Runners, Jacks, Lady Fish and one Sail Cat. Trout seem to be everywhere and the Spanish in the backwaters...
Her is a tip, check out for the boating weather forecast in your area. Next week looks good here Mon thru Fri. Have a Valentines Day Fishing trip planned for Friday.
Today the water has warmed back to 70/72 degrees in the back water and everything swimming was biting. Pompano, Mangrove Snapper, Jacks, Spanish Mackerel, Spotted Sea Trout, Silver Trout, Sheep's Head,and yes the occasional Catfish somehow also...
Yesterday slow going in the fog in the morning. Got to first spot in the fog and a boat already there. Same with second and third. Went out another 5 miles and no boats around as the fog burns off. Fish everywhere. Schools of Ballyhoo, 3# mangroves...
Working today and then looks like fishing on Mon and Tue as there looks to be a change in the weather both temp and wind. Planning on getting out on the water the next two days. Monday drifting the rubble for kings and just relaxing with some warm...
Warming into 70s/80s next week and winds at 0 to 5 mph. Looks like at least one fishing day for sure.
39 degrees and 3 to 5 foot waves this morning.....good news is it looks like a change in the weather next week, warming and winds at 0 to 5 mph....planning an an kedge off shore trip for Cobia and Kings.
Well the cold front has hit and the wind came with it. Waves reported 6 to 10 feet on the gulf yesterday. Backwater fishing has slowed to there is none. Good news is this will all change. If you read this and fish in SW FL or anywhere for that...
Have to work on getting members to join this group this year. If you fish and are located or visiting SW FL this year give the group a shot and lets see what happens. Thanks
Looked all around here and could not find a group that was up and running here for fishermen in the SWFL AREA. I'm in Collier Co., Naples/Marco area and hoping that there are some others here at TN who live or fish in this area also. That being...