Manscaping & Male Grooming
Here in the uk we are having some fantastic weather but it has been very muggy. You want to look your best out in the sun so you can show that physique with confidence and pride, but you also want to be comfortable. By keeping yourself trim, tidy...
Don't forget to share your manscaping pictures as well as your tips. Let me know if there's anything you particularly want to see in the gallery and I'll do my best to sort it for you, even if it means I have to try and take it myself....
Hi, I'm based in Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 I offer from the privacy of my Treatment cabin Waxing Shaving Clipping Microdermabrasion Hopi Ear Candles Massage take a look at or www.MaleGrooming.TK 01773 273124
If anyone in Toronto needs Manscaping trimming I can help
A member asked me about getting some pics in the gallery if different styles for body and pubic hair. I'm happy to source some and post them, but wouldn't it be great if some members out up pics so we could see theirs?Feel free to upload...
Thanks to our group member who has submitted some great manscaping pics today. Go check them out. Remember, that this group is for you, by you so feel free to submit your own pictures for approval. The only criteria is that they are linked to...
We've just reached the 300 member milestone. I never thought the little idea I had for a group would prove to be popular, and I never dreamed of having 300 members.Thanks to everyone for being a part of the group. Welcome to the newest members....
hi boston guy willing to help others go bare
Got an interview for a new job today so just getting ready by completing a full body trim, sack and shaft shave and maybe a quite trim of my crack hair. As well as looking slick on the outside with my sharp suit, I'll feel sharp knowing that...
Having a bit of a grooming session today. As well as my usual head to toe trim, shave and shape I'll be getting my eyebrows waxed and my fingernails man-e-cured.Before you laugh, it's good for us guys to get our nails treated every so often....