Male Adornment
Just needing some advise on a Prince Albert. I am 61 years old & have always liked to have some jewelry of some sort on my penis. A prince albert is what I would like , but am I too old for one? My wife says why would I want one? We still have a...
Ball and penis jewelry, stretchers and weights are truly great. I also like nipple jewelry, piercings, clamps, weights and shields. Great looking pecs.
So I've tried several cock rings in the past, most of them were made of rubber, but now i want to get the metal one, my only concern is that it will get stuck, I have a thick one and its very easy for me to get boners even when i don't want...
I love wearing a ball stretcher, I may never take it off. I can feel my balls hitting my thighs when I walk around. It's great!
I went in to get a tattoo on my arm but instead returned with a gleaming white stone navel stud! It was painless when having it inserted , but a few days later it started itching and the skin would get inflamed though I took great care to keep it...
Last week In my lifes first time I bought a cock ring for me and start wearing it here on cam.Today I worn it under my cloths and went outdoors. I enjoyed a lot after wearing it.
Based in Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 I offer Professional Male Grooming, Waxing, Clipping & Shaving (ALL Body Hair Removal) Hopi Ear Candles Facials/Microdermabrasion Ultra Smile Express, 15 Minute Teeth Whitening, 7 - 12 Shades Whiter in 15...
Decided last night to get another piercing and up-size my PA and reverse PA. The new piercing is on top of the penis at the base of the shaft. The up-sized reverse PA hurt worse then the new one and bled more. Everything is healing fine and hope I...
Well I finally got 'approval' to go and get me another piercing. Ended up getting a frenum last Monday the 18th of July. Even had one of my nudie mates come along with me to watch the procedure as he's thinking of getting something done...
Have about 35 below the belt-- recently read that some nude cruises prohibit EXCESIVE genital jewelry--thought nudists were to be accepting of others-- it is adults only on cruise...what is the problem- do they restrict lots of ink on some folks?