finally got my PA !

Was surprisingly painless and really happy with it. I got pierced at 10 gauge two weeks ago and healing rather fast than I though. Question: when can I safely have sex with my wife without compromising it's healing process . Also, at 10 gauge now , can I skip 8 to go straight to a 6 gauge upgrade? When is the earliest time I can do this ? Thanks . Any advice is appreciated.

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RE:finally got my PA !

Welcome to TN.
Fill out some more of your profile so we'll have a somewhat of an idea of
who we are talking with.
Your body will tell you when it is ready to play. Let it heal and get a layer of flesh grown around the steel before you start yanking it around.
If you can't wait , wear a condom and your body will let you know when you went too far.
As far as stretching, they say twice as long for the healing time before moving up a size. If you tear the flesh then you are starting over and waiting for it to heal instead of a bit of stretching.
I don't think you can stretch more than a size before you need a break.
If you wear the same size for a long time then you can move up a couple of sizes but only after it has opened up.
Post a picture and let us know how you are coming along.

Good Luck,

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RE:finally got my PA !

Thanks for the useful info. I will try to be patient with it and not rush stretching it to avoid tear. I will go back to my piercer , Six, of Exotix in Toronto after six month to get his opinion about stretching tithe next gauge size.
My wife is not aware that I have a PA. Not yet anyway. Because she's not fond of me getting piercing. She only knows about my frenum.

Anybody else out here whose in the same situation? Where you hide your PA from your wife or partner because they don't approve of it ? I'm not sure as to how long I could keep this as a secret though.

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RE:finally got my PA !

Good luck with keeping it hidden.
I'm surprised you have gone two weeks already.


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RE:finally got my PA !

..... And to think that we've had sex twice already- she hasn't noticed yet ! That is with using a condom that's why:)

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RE:finally got my PA !

I do agree with the other posters, add more to your profile then you may get more responses. I've had mine for 5 years. I had to use a condom to keep the movement low after one to two weeks. let us know how your wife likes it.

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RE:finally got my PA !

I'm trying to attach a pic . But no luck.

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RE:finally got my PA !

Are you having no luck posting the picture or no luck seeing the picture in the group after you post it?

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RE:finally got my PA !

Yeah I posted my pic as an update but ... I can't see the pic I attached to my message . Do you see it anywhere?

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RE:finally got my PA !

Nope , no picture.
What do you mean posted as an up-date?

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RE:finally got my PA !

My PA healing update :).... It's been good so far . I try to be patient and stretch it 3 months from now .

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