RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

The streaking back in the 70's got me started. That turned into long runs for x-country and track through the fields and feeling the breeze dry my body. All my friends would be dressed long before me. Later it turned into putting my stress on a shelf for a while when military/civilian jobs took their toll on my peace of mind. Now, 50 years later, it lowers my BP (I have hooked myself up and checked) and signals that all is right in my world.Best I've ever heard it described is "barefoot all over".

Do you spend more time nude now that you are retired? I certainly do. I also have less than half as much clothing as I did when I was working.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

it makes me feel free, ever since the wife and I went to Lake Powell ,everybody decided to stay much as possible,sleeping nude ,getting up in morning and going for a swim.It just felt so good with the sun and water on your whole body. we were there for 10 days.and it has continued since.we are at home nudists and when we go camping, swimming in the river or Lakeland soaking in hot springs. we just feel so much better.and the other positive about having no tan lines.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

1. I'm just more comfortable overall, it's easier to move around and feeling my environment just feels better.
2. It's more convenient, when I doing something that makes me sweaty it's less noticeable naked versus clothed. It's also a lot easier to clean up after.
3. Socially I enjoy a sense of equality for lack of a better term. I don't feel like I need to pretend to be something I'm not and I don't get that impression from others.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

There are many reasons to be naked.

I sleep naked, so in the morning I am already naked. I only putt some clothes on when I go out working or shopping.

When the temperatures are high enough I don't wear anything in my garden. I love to do gardening naked or sunbathing naked.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Two different intentions. In my clothes free life I prefer the freedom and comfort of not wearing clothing. In terms of social nudity sharing experiences and connections with other who share reason number one.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Why exactly am I a naturist?

1) For one, It feels less uncomfortable than wearing clothes in certain conditions.

2) Two, it really is a good way to learn that all bodies have equality, despite several big differences.

3) Three, it really shows that there is deep commoness to all humanity, both mentally and in our bodies.

4) Four, it really shows there is a way to live in harmony with nature, and that is to do accept man's fate as an animal, but as a special animal.

5) Five, it creates harmony with the environment in not having to deal with pesky clothes, so we don't do as much environmental damage.

6) Six, it brings us closer to the Higher Power, by us not wearing clothes similar to how the higher power doesn't wear clothes either. (Every religion preaches this or preaches higher power is invisible)

7) Seven, It Proves Higher power can be closer to the humans than we think.

8) Brings us good sunlight to use and enjoy instead of hiding it or being heated extra by clothes absorbing it through dark pigmenting of clothes.

9) Nine, it takes away extreme pain and suffering. gives us healing

10) Creates special bonds with people with whom we share harmony and peace and naturism with.


11) Christians were made this way according to their bible, and will end this way according to the bible "From dust you were made and to dust you will return." That puts another case for the christians forward despite other claims by christians being dismissed.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Very thoughtful response to the question.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

Relaxation & recreation mostly.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

The streaking back in the 70's got me started. That turned into long runs for x-country and track through the fields and feeling the breeze dry my body. All my friends would be dressed long before me. Later it turned into putting my stress on a shelf for a while when military/civilian jobs took their toll on my peace of mind. Now, 50 years later, it lowers my BP (I have hooked myself up and checked) and signals that all is right in my world.Best I've ever heard it described is "barefoot all over".Do you spend more time nude now that you are retired? I certainly do. I also have less than half as much clothing as I did when I was working.

While spending more time nude after retirement is probably the norm for people who like to be nude, I have one acquaintance where the opposite happened. He worked from home most of the time, but when he retired he got more involved in community activities and spent more time working in his yard which was open to busy roads on 2 sides, so he had to be dressed more often.

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RE:Why are you a nudist? What do you get out of this?

There are a few reasons I am a nudist.

1. I have always felt uncomfortable wearing anything. I was constantly pulling at my clothes try to get it in a comfortable position but never could. So comfort is a big reason.

2. As I matured I found that when wearing anything made me hot after just a short time. It got worse as I got older. To the point I have had heat stroke numerous times, in a bad way at least 3 times. So this is my main reason.

3. I hate heat rashes, and I get them summer or winter, basically anytime I wear clothes.

The things I get out of it. Too many to mention all of them but here are a few.

1. The feeling of the sun and wind on my skin
2. Being able to be comfortable in my own skin.
3. I feel I'm doing my part of reducing pollution by not buying any clothes for a number of years now. By not using water, chemicals and power resources to wash clothes.
4. Being out in nature while nude is a feeling that is almost indescribable, I would have it no other way if I could.
5. Being nude is emotionally uplifting and freeing.

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