NO A/C for a WEEK

Thank GOD we sleep naked. Our a/c went out just before the Labor day holiday. And wouldn't you know that the mild temps that we had been having up till that time ENDED. Not only did the temperature rise, along with it the humidity decided to take a jump up as well. After contacting the repair service we were told that it would be a couple of days before the new system could be installed. That was on a Wednesday and the scheduler said that I would receive a call the next day to confirm installation time and date. Remember a four day weekend was approaching, the call never came.Well we spent the entire holiday weekend without A/C. I finally got ahold of the salesman on Tues. morning and after a rather assertive conversation he contacted the scheduler and then called us back and we got the new A/C installed on Wed. So from Wed. to Wed. out came the fans to keep the 90+ degree air moving so that we could get some rest. I am just so glad that we sleep naked and how much more uncomfortable it would have been with clothes on to trap the heat. Just another great reason for sleeping naked.

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

I'm glad you were able to get through that and good to sleep naked. It must have be terrible without A/C for the week. Must have been naked the whole time that happened

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

Thank GOD we sleep naked. Our a/c went out just before the Labor day holiday. And wouldn't you know that the mild temps that we had been having up till that time ENDED. Not only did the temperature rise, along with it the humidity decided to take a jump up as well. After contacting the repair service we were told that it would be a couple of days before the new system could be installed. That was on a Wednesday and the scheduler said that I would receive a call the next day to confirm installation time and date. Remember a four day weekend was approaching, the call never came.Well we spent the entire holiday weekend without A/C. I finally got ahold of the salesman on Tues. morning and after a rather assertive conversation he contacted the scheduler and then called us back and we got the new A/C installed on Wed. So from Wed. to Wed. out came the fans to keep the 90+ degree air moving so that we could get some rest. I am just so glad that we sleep naked and how much more uncomfortable it would have been with clothes on to trap the heat. Just another great reason for sleeping naked.Yes just another great reason to sleep naked! I have lived in MO so I know how hot it can get there in the summer months.

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

90 deg F that's about 33 deg C. I'd be very comfortable in that,ideal forsleeping naked on top of the bed. BTW I hate AC and the icy drafts it creates.

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

90 deg F that's about 33 deg C. I'd be very comfortable in that,ideal forsleeping naked on top of the bed. BTW I hate AC and the icy drafts it creates.I have to agree with you...AC is very unhealthy.

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

Yes, sleeping nudeis extremely healthy, but I prefer an evaporative a/c. If maintained properly, theyare much heathier.

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

A/C makes life in Texas much more comfortable during the summer - not only cooling the air, but dehumidifying it. We usually keep the thermostat set at 79 degrees F., which is comfortable for nudity.

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RE: NO A/C for a WEEK

I don't do well when it's humid and hot, susally spend much of the
month of August sitting in front of the A/C.

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