RE:Sleeping in the "Raw"

I've been sleeping naked every night since my first day of college. My college dorm mate and I decided our first night that was what we were going to do and never changed.

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RE:Sleeping in the "Raw"

I've been sleeping naked every night since my first day of college. My college dorm mate and I decided our first night that was what we were going to do and never changed.

Did you spend other time in your room nude beside sleeping?

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RE:Sleeping in the "Raw"

Most of the time...

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RE:Sleeping in the "Raw"

I can't understand why people put clothes ON to go to bed. It's the one guaranteed time in the day that I don't have to be dressed; I'm not going to forfeit that opportunity!

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RE:Sleeping in the "Raw"

I stopped wearing pjs when I was 13. I cant sleep with them on now.

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RE:Sleeping in the "Raw"

I'm a seasonal nude sleeper, esp now that I'm older and my natural heat is not as good. In college I slept in the raw almost all the time, even studied with a roomie raw. Several of my dorm mates thought nothing of going naked most of the time. I'm a restless sleeper and having PJs twisted around between my legs is not something I enjoy. Despite the fact that for Madison Ave "Sex Sells", many Americans are too prudish to even consider the comfort of sleeping au naturale.

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