RE:Intact or circumcized

I think i already said it once, the important thing for me (i don't know what other women think) is that he is clean, whether he is circumcised or not doesn't matter to me. Besides, in Spain circumcision is rare, it is only done for medical or religious reasons. If you go to a doctor and ask for your son to be circumcised on a whim, the doctor will tell you that it is an unnecessary operation and that he has more important things to do.

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RE:Intact or circumcized

Great Words, i see that the same way.
As a men who are not circumcised i can say it is totally ok and no Problem cause i never had a Girl who complained about that .

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RE:Intact or circumcized

I am intact, and I nevertheless take the liberty to feed back some reactions from a former lover who had never experienced other than circumcized men before. The girl-friend as well as her own sister were very open to this kind of discussion, and this is what they both reported. The oral sex is better after circumcision, because "there is not all that skin" (in the mouth). The copulation is when the intact get's the advantage, because the extra skin (of the prepuce) acts as a "smooth roller on a conveyor belt". This former lover had worked in manufacturing, and her limited blue-collar vocabulary was directly explaining in her own way, that the prepuce was preventing the uncomfortable rubbing of the penis while penetrating and reversing from the inside of the vagina. In other word, an intact penis is much more pleasurable during a traditional copulation. This former-lover incidentally was amazed at the sex we had, since it was the normal penis-vaginal copulation. It was not the case for when she demanded to be sodomized, because my own intact penis was not as penetrative during anal sex. The usage of a condom became a must for this kind of kinky sex, rendering my penis as a rigid dildo. This explains later when I knew of gay men who had circumcized at an adult age for the sole purpose of oral sex & anal sex convenience.

Personally, although I am more on the part of been a reserved man, who has been chaste for awhile and who has had very few lovers, I can testify that all the women told me that 'intact' gives the best (vaginal) sex, the kind of sex which makes the lady to demand at having a baby.

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RE:Intact or circumcized

I don't see what this has to do with nudism.

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RE:Intact or circumcized

Not into any genital mutlilation! I prefer natural uncircumasized cocks.

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RE:Intact or circumcized

I don't see what this has to do with nudism.

Agreed . . .

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RE:Intact or circumcized

I think a lot has to do with where they are from and what they are used to seeing

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RE:Intact or circumcized

I got circucised as an adult after getting married because my wife requested it.

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