For me, 2.5" soft, 6.5" hard
- 7 years ago
Hey guys. Just curious how many guys have measured their penises before? I think that's a typical rite of passage for guys, but I know a few who haven't. I know I certainly have though :).
I love measuring n being measured
- 6 years ago
When you were in your 20s you were more excited ! And harder. lol
I know I was ha ha
- 6 years ago
I am glad that the wife has bad depth perception . I told her that I am 12 inches. But really a cocktail weinee lol
- 6 years ago
Sadly, I'm with you there buddy. Oh well not much I can do about it.
- 6 years ago
With the curve. Mine was always hard to measure. There's some debate on which way is best to measure it but PEGym goes with from base to tip. When I go by that standard, I'm probably either 8 or 8 1/2 inches long. Hard.
- 6 years ago
So just for.
Left or right or up or down
Just for the mental picture
- 6 years ago
LOLSo just for.Left or right or up or downJust for the mental picturelol
- 6 years ago
I measure in at 7 inches x 1 3/4 diameter when hard.
- 6 years ago
Yes very true. The tube inside a toilet roll is too tight to accept an average penis. Just put the end of a ruler against the pubes above your penis and see how far it reaches
- 5 years ago