Why is bra singular and panties plural?
It is not my intent to offend, or sound perverted, or actually trying to be humorous! I have heard others curious about "why" this is as it is. Maybe I haveaskedtoo manymen and only a fewwomen. Either way, I have not heard a decent description of an answer yet.
Maybe some of you ladies on this Forum can give me an idea how this came to be! Men I have asked have no clue. Webster's dictionary is really no help in this mystery. It is no real big deal, but surely it is enough of a "mislabeling" that some of you might question this and wonder! It is one of those "little bitty" things that a lot of us (that I do anyway) have a hangup about and this is one of those "bitty" things that continue to dwell in my mind.....sort of a "Pet Peeve"!
Anyway, I thought this might be a different conversation piece that maybe would bring a chuckle, some curiousity maybe, or maybe even a real answer! I repeat that it isnot intended to be anything other than a conversation piece with a different aspect! Please understand, no disrespect intended! Anybody want to tackle an answer???
- 14 years ago
For the same reason a "T" Shirt is singular and Levi's plural. And a headset is singular and sunglasses plural.
- 14 years ago
Likewise, you have a shirt, but a pair of pants !
- 14 years ago
It all falls into the same "Why ask Why" as, Why do we drive on parkways and park in driveways? or Why do they call them apartments when thay are all together?
- 14 years ago
The answer is:-
Love n stuff
Rudie x
- 14 years ago
That's just one of life's mysteries.
We should create a thread full of funny questions like this. =D
- 14 years ago
That's just one of life's mysteries.We should create a thread full of funny questions like this. =D
It looks like we have.
- 14 years ago
Why does flammable and imflammable mean the same thing?
- 14 years ago
Makes sense. Thank you, Judy !
( Rudie is being too technical again )
Now, we know that if you toss a cat off the roof, it will always land on its feet.
If you drop your toast after you've buttered it, it will always land butter side down, so...
If you strap the toast on the cat's back butter side up......
Which way will that land ?
- 14 years ago
All right...lol! I see others have the same "list" off questions/concerns I have (pair of pants, Driveways-Parkways, flammable-inflammable, etc.) I guess more similar posts may be forthcoming (OK Oregongirl?) Yes, NudeinNewJersey, I believe we are beginning to roll..lol! Thanks to all the rest that have responded! I will have to work on that formula later with a little more time,UKRudeGirl. It has been a few "decades" since I use that type. I hope it is the answer I need....lol!
Here is a couple of more to dwell on:
Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
Most Nudists make not be concerned about this one. Iflove is blind, why is lingerie so popular??
More coming!
- 14 years ago
Makes sense. Thank you, Judy !( Rudie is being too technical again )Now, we know that if you toss a cat off the roof, it will always land on its feet.If you drop your toast after you've buttered it, it will always land butter side down, so...If you strap the toast on the cat's back butter side up......Which way will that land ?
- 14 years ago