Did you growup in a nudist home?
I was reading a thread in the men's locker room about guy's growing up seeing their fathers,brothers, etc. nude. How about you? Did you girl growup seeing your fathers and brothers, sister and mothers naked? What was this experience like?
- 14 years ago
My sister and I had our own apartment sort of over our parents main floor. She and I didn't dress in front of one another or if it was just my mom. I think had my mother lived long enough, I would have converted her. :) I did close my door if my dad were coming upstairs.
I did have my upstairs porch to get sun on. I put blankets around the railing
- 14 years ago
I forgot to appalagize to start with to you ladies for coming into your locker room to ask this question. I hope you can forgive my rude manners. I have seen this kind of thread answered by males on many sites, So I thought that it would be great to here from the females.
- 14 years ago
Unfortunately I did not grow up in a nudist home, it took me quite a long time to find out the joys of the lifestyle.
- 14 years ago
Yeah Parents were naturists, we brother and sisters are and our kids are too.
In fact it dates back from the grand parents, since uncles and cousins were too.
so being nude, home or elsewhere, never been an issue or of particular discovery.
Always amaze me to see how people react to the fact that they can indeed live nude and how they discover it can be so natural. Good for them It also makes my heart sink a bit - figuring how they've been limiting their own self before that
- 14 years ago
I like this thread! As for me feeling the freedom of being nude was the time I was very young around 2years till 7 or 8 years old.My mom and I were living at a home tha sat on 27 acres with a lake.At the time a doctor own the property and we were renting.It was my mom that let me run around in freedom in the summer months.When I grew up move out on my own I have always slept nude and was a home nudist.My mom knows I'm a nudist but not comfortable seeing me.How werid is that!!.My Mom is now a retired nurse of forty years.So I thank mom for letting me feel comfortable in my own skin.
- 14 years ago
Yes I did - I am on record elsewhere as saying "Mum always thought skin washed easier than clothes"
Yes as we grew into puberty there was a cover up but nearly all of us still go naked in private and 5 out of 6 public.
This is something that baffles me, when asked 'how long have you been a nudist?' answer 'how old am I?'
- 14 years ago
Not hardly.The only reason to be uncovered was in the bathroom bathing, using the toilet, or changing clothes. Modesty had been drilled into my head so completely thatI would be ashamed even to have the waistband of my underwear show above my pants.
- 14 years ago
I guess you could call it a semi-nude home. It would not be unusual to see my mother walking around , or her partners, in just their bra and panties. Couple of the male couples would walk around nude, but that changed as i got older, but I always felt more comfortable without clothes, and would often be so when I was alone
- 14 years ago
Don't I wish. Had to struggle to find it the long hard way.
- 13 years ago
YEP, sure did.
Within the town in N. California was a Nudist Colony of sorts: 9 culdi-sac's and we lived in one of them. There were nine homes in each of the nine different culdi-sac's and the whole place was gated with a guard gate @ the front enterence to the whole nain street. Had two older sisters, each 2 & 4 yrs bigger than me respectively. All the parents and several "Nannies" of sorts lived in there too so Nudism was just natrual for all of us.
Had very few problems with the "Outside" community either all those years although as a youngster "My" main one was dealing with why we were all nude and everyone ELSE was not. Took some time to learn why.
In that town, being so close to Sacramento and being at see level the weather was never a big problem either so maybe that's why I don't like the cold winters here in N. Utah. I hear that the area is now all clothed. BUMMER. They don't know what they're missing.
If i could run around here outside all year round, without fear of legal reprisals, [and freezing] I darned well wood, or just affording it, would move to an area with a more hospitable yr round cliamate. hehehehehehehe
If the rest of the planet only would come to realize that Nudism is NOT about sex, but the freedom to shed ones clothes, how much easier and more stress-free their lives would be. Oh well.
- 13 years ago