Frank& Ernest

Today's comic strip caption. What bothers me is that my birthday suit is now considered vintage clothing.

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RE:Frank& Ernest

I was talking to a friend about the Frank & Ernest cartoon and he asked, so does that mean an 80 year old prostitute or gigalo being an antique has higher prices than a young one? We both cracked up

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RE:Frank& Ernest

I was talking to a friend about the Frank & Ernest cartoon and he asked, so does that mean an 80 year old prostitute or gigalo being an antique has higher prices than a young one? We both cracked up

Good one!

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RE:Frank& Ernest

Another nudity themed Frank and Ernest in today's paper. Tan lines from masks at a nude beach.

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RE:Frank& Ernest

Yes, I thought todays F&E comic was hilarious. Plus non-nudists than are tan line conscious might think about going to a clothing optional beach and it also portrays nudists as being responsible people.

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