RE:Have you ever gone naked in front of a complete stranger?

went up to my favorite swimming hole up in the mountains, there was a couple camping there, I asked if I could use the swimming hole and beach and they said ok. She had a bikini on, him a little speedo, looked like he had just put it on. I walked down the little trail and took off my suit and went skinny-dipping and had a few beers. After 30 minutes or so they came down there're was naked and she took off and suite stayed that way for most of the afternoon.

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RE:Have you ever gone naked in front of a complete stranger?

Since this is the Ladies Room, I'll type for my wife.

"Every place you've taken me, where we could be naked, I/we were naked in front of complete strangers, initially. After several visits to the same places, some of them were not strangers but there was always some there we'd never met before. I/we were always naked in front of strangers and still are each time we visit a club, a resort or a beach."

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RE:Have you ever gone naked in front of a complete stranger?

After several visits to the same places, some of them were not strangers but there was always some there we'd never met before."

My wife would pretty much echo the same feelings. We're "regulars" at our resort; so most of the people there have already seen her naked. But there are always going to be newbies - strangers - that are going to see her too. She's used to it; and as long as they're polite and friendly, she's comfortable being around them.

A few weeks ago we attended a non-landed event - with around 80 people in attendance. All strangers. A bit outside of her usual comfort zone; but she was fine. Everyone was naked. In that setting, and knowing that I was going to be protective; she still socialized comfortably.

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RE:Have you ever gone naked in front of a complete stranger?

After several visits to the same places, some of them were not strangers but there was always some there we'd never met before."My wife would pretty much echo the same feelings. We're "regulars" at our resort; so most of the people there have already seen her naked. But there are always going to be newbies - strangers - that are going to see her too. She's used to it; and as long as they're polite and friendly, she's comfortable being around them.A few weeks ago we attended a non-landed event - with around 80 people in attendance. All strangers. A bit outside of her usual comfort zone; but she was fine. Everyone was naked. In that setting, and knowing that I was going to be protective; she still socialized comfortably.

We've partaken in many small gatherings at a club/resort but never a gathering this size at someone's home. The most people we've had together at a friend's home, where everyone was naked for close to 4 days and nights was 7 couples. I was quite fun and the largest non-pajama party we'd been to! haha

Di's fine with smaller gatherings at nudist venues but not so much at someone's home where she doesn't know anyone. Nowadays, she's content with our small circle of nudist friends and them staying with us or us with them. She's getting pretty picky about stuff like that lately.

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RE:Have you ever gone naked in front of a complete stranger?

Just happened again. Gal from down the street was walking her dog. I came around the house and halfway down the stairs I looked up and she was 50 feet away. As soon as she saw me she came closer to talk. What do I do? Got to bottom kinda loud whispered Im not wearing pants. She paused, I lifted my shirt up a tad more as everything was showing already, then all of a sudden she got it(or saw). She waved and continued on. I waited a few minutes. Sent a text, sorry was moving my sprinkler and didnt want to freak you out. She responded, "no worries?

Very few people walk around here at 630 am. And never her!

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