Beginners anxiety

Hello everyone! Im Cole from Montana. Ive been very interested in going to a nudist retreat this summer and I have some questions/concerns. Ive enjoyed nude hikes and skinny dipping for any years. Ive always done these activities solo. I love the thought of being able to connect with likeminded people who share my interests. Im polite and always considerate of others feelings.
I have some anxiety about the thought of going to a nudist gathering because Im still a relatively young man and Im prone to erections happening very easily. I would never want to make anyone uncomfortable or break any rules. My interest in nudism is not sexual.
Does anyone have any advice or helpful word

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RE:Beginners anxiety

Hi there Cole! Congrats on feeling like youre ready to take the next step into nudism! It certainly can be a frightening prospect to go from private enjoyment of the great outdoors naked to pushing into enjoying it in the company of others. I have met few nudists who would judge anyone who wants to share the lifestyle. There is certainly a sexual element (in our western mind) to exposing your naked body in public (or semi-public), but that is not the objective of most nudists. It is the freedom that comes from not being constrained by clothing, of enjoying the indoors and outdoors without any pretenses or guards. That being said, it is human nature to both enjoy that freedom and to sometimes show that excitement through what could be perceived as arousal. It is completely natural! It is also natural to become aroused when something you see piques your interest. You will neither be the first, nor the last, male to become aroused in public, especially when enjoying the liberation and relaxation that comes with nudism.
Do not let that fear deter you! Recognize your comfort zone. If a situation does not feel right, protect your boundaries! If you are comfortable with your own skin (one of the main objectives of nudism), flaunt it! Appreciate signs of mutual affection and admiration! Realize that no one expects you to be perfect. No one expects you to be constrained or fearful either. If anyone becomes offended, that is their problem, not yours. As long as you do not physically harm anyone, youre better than most people on this earth! Of you hurt their feelings by rebuffing them for being too aggressive or too judgmental, that is their problem, not yours!
Enjoy sharing the beauty that you are with others! Embrace the freedom you have already experienced. Do not worry about being turned-on. Just make it clear that you know yourself and value yourself enough not to do anything that causes you concern. Otherwise, have fun, let yourself go. Embrace the freedom. Embrace the bravery. Inhale the confidence that you are generating from within. Share that with anyone and in any place that makes you feel safe, appreciated, and admired. Screw anyone who tries to disturb that positive energy. They do not deserve to rob you of the chance to be yourself!

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RE:Beginners anxiety

Well said. And I will repeat, the nudist men and women I have met are the nicest and least judgmental people I know. When I started I carried a towel to cover my erection that happened - even in the mens locker room. That was my nightmare in high school but returned when I decided that I was not going to hide my nudity. Soon after getting used to being naked in the locker room the erections calmed down. Same happened when going to the local resort or naked yoga. Your adventure into nudism will become normal to you. Certainly as a young healthy male you will experience the unexpected erection but keeping a towel near can save the embarrassment you may feel. But as the previous post states it has happened to all of us. If you get hard be proud!

Good luck on your journey! Keep us updated!

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RE:Beginners anxiety

Dress for the party you're going to. At most resorts you're expected to show modesty around erections - roll over, sit down, walk away, pull up a towel, get in the water, some gesture to show you want to take attention away from it. If you get erect it's not a major faux pas, but your behavior needs to match the social style of wherever you are.

If you are active and engaged with the people around you, it's fairly unlikely, anyway. But if you were, say, in the middle of a volleyball game and got erect, you wouldn't really be expected to flee the game - just carry on as if it weren't there and it will be gone soon enough. But strolling or lounging around, camouflage it one way or another or you are likely to be asked to leave.

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RE:Beginners anxiety

Thank you so much for the reply! That definitely helps!

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RE:Beginners anxiety

You have a lot of wisdom, as do the people who've responded. Key take away: towels are handy. There's also a lot of compassion and understanding in the nudist community; it comes from the authenticity of having no clothes to hide behind.
I'd recommend to focus on public nude areas if available and to go to resorts as a second option with an open mind. Resorts are privately owned and at least here in the Midwest many practice discrimination against single males whether defined, justified or not. In addition, I've been to resorts with primarily older members and limited recreational activities. They may feel constraining to you, especially if you like to have large swaths of land to roam in with your big naked soul. I've heard of other resorts ideally suited for how you describe yourself though none are within driving distance for me.
Good luck!

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RE:Beginners anxiety

It is so unfortunate that one of the biggest factors in scaring guys away from getting into the nudist scene is fear of an erection. In my 18 years of being in nudist gatherings, I've seen many, and never has anyone been made to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. However, I am from Australia, and realise things are less conservative than in the U.S. No one covers up erections where I go, and why should they? That's shaming body parts as far as I'm concerned.
It's only problematic if someone is being sexually suggestive with it in the wrong environment.

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RE:Beginners anxiety

At almost every nudist event or venue I've seen, having a towel with you at all times seems to be Rule #1. The reason? Hygene. Sitting on any surface without putting down a towel first is really taboo. Buy a really large towel -- either a "bath sheet" as it is sometimes called or a beach towel, so that you can sit on it and wrap it around your groin at the same time. Then if you get an erection, simply wrap up! If you're standing, a large towel gives you lots of material to cover any sized erection.

But, as others have said, it is rarely a problem. Just like in gym class, once you've seen lots of nude bodies, it soon loses its sexual component altogether. Don't let worry about an erection keep you from enjoying social nudity. And remember, probably every single male had the same concern when they first became nudists. It's normal, it's natural, and as long as you use common sense and show no desire to be offensive, no one is going to be bothered.

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RE:Beginners anxiety

I'm also new to this and have the same concern. But I'm old, so it's not as likely. I think my problem will be shrinkage from being nervous. My girlfriend and I will be going to a nudist resort for the first time in the spring. We are both nervous, and excited at the same time. We are both widowed, and decided that life is too short not to try and experience new things, and push ourselves out of our comfort zone.

Nudists honestly do not care about "shrinkage." Just watch the pool and you will find that out fast enough. Besides, shrinkage is only temporary. Warm yourself up a bit and you'll be fine :P

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RE:Beginners anxiety

I had similiar anxiety the first time. Then I went to a club and everything was fine, and I kept going.

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RE:Beginners anxiety

When I first joined a nudist resort, I had no anxiety about being nude. I started as a young child being nude in remote areas, and I am often nude in the locker room at the gym.

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