A random story not related to nudism
So my friend and I are at the mall on this hot Texas Friday. I tell him that I need to get a certain magazine (not a Playboy). Sadly, there was no bookstore in the mall. So we mosey on over to Half Price Books. So we're walking around and I find the magazine section and it was terrible. Just random magazines piled up behind each other on a dirty shelf. So I proceeded to go browsing.
For some reason, my friend refused to let me buy a Sims game even though it was my money. Apparently, he thought I would become addicted and become a shut in. So as we prepare to leave, I happen to spot an old video game called Jet Set Radio Future. It was a piece of my childhood that I always wanted. Strangely, half of the price tag was missing. I go to pay for it and the guy puts a new sticker on it. I looked down and asked was it $2.98. He said it was $22.98. I got mad and left.
Then I realized that I leave a lot of things unfinished so I went back in. I told him that it was a cult classic game that was given away FREE with an Xbox back in 2002. He tried to justify it by saying that a new one would go for $90. I'm like, "Dude, this game was made 10 years ago. They aren't making it any more!" Then he refused to let me see the manager. And he refused to sell it to me for $15 and said in 6 months, the price would have been marked down. I proceeded to leave the store.
Once outside, I went into rage mode. If you don't know what that is, it means to go into a fit of rage. Like the lady who attacked the drive thru worker at McDonald's because they didn't have chicken nuggets at breakfast.
I don't see any point to your story. You listed it under Humor and Fun. I don't see any humor or fun in this. In fact, It's rather pathetic.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Nothing is worse than an elitist here. I am sure someone will find this funny.