Good deed nude

Over the Easter long weekend we had some high winds that inundated our pool with leaf litter and flower debris. I spent hours cleaning it out.

So with my neighbours away camping and knowing that their pool is now full with the same kind of debris and litter I have been suggesting to my wife we do them a good deed and go clean their pool - nude of course.

Have you ever done a good nude deed gesture for your neighbour?

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RE:Good deed nude

i can't think of a time that I helped a neighbor while nude. I have had a few conversations with neighbors while I have been bare. Neither minded
I think your idea is awesome

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RE:Good deed nude

At times when I have had a surplus of cucumbers I have taken some into next door while naked.

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RE:Good deed nude

Over the Easter long weekend we had some high winds that inundated our pool with leaf litter and flower debris. I spent hours cleaning it out.So with my neighbours away camping and knowing that their pool is now full with the same kind of debris and litter I have been suggesting to my wife we do them a good deed and go clean their pool - nude of course.Have you ever done a good nude deed gesture for your neighbour?

I routinely help out our neighbors with many things BUT, I remain clothed/covered when necessary. We have some pretty tolerant or accepting neighbors that have seen me, mostly, but both of us naked from time to time in the past 15 years we've lived here. With most everyone having a Ring video doorbell and many having additional security cameras, I think it's best for us not to push the graciousness they've shown us all these years. Help them out, sure. Do it naked? Not unless we've had a serious conversation about it and they are agreeable.

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RE:Good deed nude

I routinely help out our neighbors with many things BUT, I remain clothed/covered when necessary. We have some pretty tolerant or accepting neighbors that have seen me, mostly, but both of us naked from time to time in the past 15 years we've lived here. With most everyone having a Ring video doorbell and many having additional security cameras, I think it's best for us not to push the graciousness they've shown us all these years. Help them out, sure. Do it naked? Not unless we've had a serious conversation about it and they are agreeable.

We fortunately live in a neighbourhood that hasn't yet had to go to the proliferation of door bell cams and porch cams.

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RE:Good deed nude

Over the Easter long weekend we had some high winds that inundated our pool with leaf litter and flower debris. I spent hours cleaning it out.So with my neighbours away camping and knowing that their pool is now full with the same kind of debris and litter I have been suggesting to my wife we do them a good deed and go clean their pool - nude of course.Have you ever done a good nude deed gesture for your neighbour?

Did you actually clean your neighbor's pool nude?

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RE:Good deed nude

Did you actually clean your neighbor's pool nude?

Job done!!

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RE:Good deed nude

Only one Ive done Ive shared elsewhere, where I adjusted the neighbors mower deck height for her, twice, while nude.

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RE:Good deed nude

Did you actually clean your neighbor's pool nude?Job done!!

We did clean the pool, but not nude ... however, we later had to feed their dog and after having been able to see no porch cams etc, we went over nude!

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RE:Good deed nude

I did remember a time I helped a neighbor out while naked. The old couple who lived 1/4 mile up the road asked me to get their mail
and newspaper in while they were out of town for a week. I would stop by and grab the mail on my way home from work. But the Sunday morning I opted to hike up the road just before dawn in the buff to fetch the newspaper. My road it lightly traveled and what traffic
is on is fairly predictable. So I was pretty sure my 10 minute hike would be unseen. it was

But when the neighbor got home he did come down and fetch his mail. I greeted him in the buff and he just shrugged it off. The next year
I saw him and his wife at Turtle Lake Nudist resort which is just over an hour from here. No wonder he was fine with a nude greeting.

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RE:Good deed nude

Did you actually clean your neighbor's pool nude?Job done!!

Best way to clean a pool. The job is much more enjoyable that way. :)

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