RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Sounds like you have a lot of open space to enjoy lucky you is it a farm you have ? I'd love to say I could spend the day working but as a carpenter in customers houses it's likely frowned upon

Do you ever work where you expect the homeowners to be away all day? If so, you would have an opportunity to work nude.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Sounds like you have a lot of open space to enjoy lucky you is it a farm you have ? I'd love to say I could spend the day working but as a carpenter in customers houses it's likely frowned upon

Do you ever work where you expect the homeowners to be away all day? If so, you would have an opportunity to work nude.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Sounds like you have a lot of open space to enjoy lucky you is it a farm you have ? I'd love to say I could spend the day working but as a carpenter in customers houses it's likely frowned upon

Do you ever work where you expect the homeowners to be away all day? If so, you would have an opportunity to work nude.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

I mowed the lawn inside our privacy fence nude with just a pair of boots while my wife watched.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Picked up two packages, separately, from the front porch.

It's warming up here in our valley. Our neighbors have closed up all their shutters and have the A/C running. We won't run our A/C if we can help it. Since their shutters are all shut, it's perfectly safe to walk out onto the porch and retrieve Amazon, UPS, USPS and FedEx packages. We do a fair amount of online shopping so we always have packages each week.

Yesterday, after we got home from some errands, we were tired of wearing clothes. My wife barely made it into the laundry room from the garage with just her panties on. She would have taken them off but had her hands full. I was grabbing a couple of bags of things and when I got into the laundry room, she proclaimed, "I WIN!!" She was naked and I was still in my shorts and t shirt. LOL

Later in the afternoon, after our naked nap, we sat on the patio and had a small snack and an adult beverage. My drink, at this time of year, is a Jalapeno Limeade and vodka. Really enjoy that drink with a spicy kick.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Today I started the pool pump, read the paper, caught up on email and social media and had a snack.
Grandson arrives tomorrow so nude time will be limited for the next several days.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Hi AndyDi. I tried to direct message you but the captcha code is not going through. Maybe the t is a j or vise Verda or maybe something needs to be capitalized. Anyway thanks for messaging me back. Can you approve me for Confident Naked. Im hoping there will be intelligent conversations about why we like to be naked. Thanks in advance. Paul.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Yesterday I started the pool pump, checked the chemicals and changed the sand in the filter.
Too hot to be outside, even if you are nude, unless you are doing something that can't wait.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Yesterday afternoon, I went out on my boat for a little while. When I got into open water, I went upwind a little over a mile, then shut the engine off and drifted while sunning on the front seat. I enjoyed a few beers while doing so. The wind was blowing me back in the direction of home, so I let it. Got about an hour of tanning time in. Then went home and fired up the smoker and cooked some food, still nude out on the front porch.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Yesterday (June 20th) being the Solstice, I joined over 40 fellow nudists for a walk and skinny dip in the woods. The longerst hike was just under 9 miles and was tough, expecially in 90-degree heat. There were two other groups who did a 6-mile hike and a 4-mike hike. We all met at a swimmign spot and enjoyed both the water and the conversation. Spent the whole time from 9am until 5pm naked.

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