A fact of life: since language is the human species' primary medium of communication, it behooves those who wish to present arguments that are strongly against established norms and conventional wisdom to master the medium of words prior to offering those arguments. The more far-out the theories and arguments are, the more the readers are going to cite the communication deficiences of the arguer to reject the text in toto. Your opinions and viewpoints are, to be kind, radical if not unscientific. They cannot afford to be burdened with the added onus of poor spelling, grammar and word usage.
Of course.. I can own hope that your spanish is a good as his. If you are going to coomplain about his English remember he knows more than one language which is a lot more than a lot of Americans.
Does your pettiness ever extend any further than insults.. NIM? I can see why you are always so cranky.. living alone as you do.. I could take the time to tear apart your profile for amusement the same way you do for fun. Sheesh.. read a book.. watch TV.. do something rather than being the site gossip and bitch.
He never complained about his English, and he never insulted him. (quite impressive restraint, seeing that he is a wacko)
Eh? What post were you reading?
- 14 years ago
Tom, in one of his posts he admitted that he did not have a PhD and had never attended college. His veracity in other statements he has made such as having been given letters of recommendation by the world's top scientists and world leaders are also suspect. Why then should we believe that he learned English in one month? Perhaps if you read his posts athttps://www.truenudists.com/forum/viewthread.php?id=22254 and https://www.truenudists.com/forum/viewthread.php?id=22254youwill understand why many of us are frustrated with him.
Thing is Jack, it's not really important what he has said or that he may well be a Walter Mitty living in his own little dream world, its that he should not be so attacked for doing so. Problem is that there is a developing cabal of bullies on here who seem to think they can wander round the playground attacking whomesoever they like and who stick their finger's in their ears and go 'yayayaya' if anyone has the audacity to take them to task. Its not smart and it just shows them for the ignorant people that they are.
Lots of people talk utter crap on here. NiMA thinks I do, I think he does, so what? I don't care so why should anyone else about anyone else.
- 14 years ago
CraigS you have summed it up well and I feel the same way that you do. We will probably get called names for saying this, I almost certainly will but bullies don't worry me.
- 14 years ago
Thanks! Calling people names instead of discussing things openly is just what people do when they don't really have a good argument. I'm use to it and usually just blow it off. I'd rather give people reason to think than argue. Maybe those who are quick on the trigger are thinking about a well formed question vs. just stooping to calling names.
Fingers are crossed!
- 14 years ago
While I agree his nonsensical ramblings are rather disturbed and a bit odd I cannot help but wonder why if the masses here are so offended and angered by him why they simply just don'tpass by his posts and ignore him? Why bash him? Why give him the attention he is so obviously wanting. Perhaps he is a genius and just so unable to get past the flood of thoughts and emotions so his posts seem to be out of the norm. There have been many in history that have been so intelligent thatthey are unable to function on their own or interact appropriately with society.
If the owners or mods of this site dont see that these types of postings violate policy then just ignore this type of posting!
- 14 years ago
For those trying to stand up for Manny and lashing out at NudeInMA for criticizing him, please take a moment and read this post. * Manny started this all first by starting a thread about how stupid all Christians were ("Religion Is Out - Become Sucker FREE"). In that rambling, nonsensical post, he seemed to outline how science and space exploration were discrediting religion, clearly suggesting that Christians and believers of other religions must be stupid and/or liars, how women are stupid, how he'd come up with some bizarre pseudo-science mixture of methods involving nudity to help women improve their intellectual capacity, etc. * He's elsewhere gone on about how he's got a superior intellect, how he learned English in one month flat, and how he's awarded himself a PhD so that everyone elsecan know how smart he is. * So, if you think this is a case of the high-and-mighty intellectuals of Truenudists attacking this poor, well-meaning foreign guy, you're way off-base. * I am likely the first who suggested his language was so lacking that it tends to undermine his claims of intellectual superiority. But, it's not just his spelling -- it's the magical thinking and loose semantic associations he includes which indicate that he seems to have a very loose grasp on reality. For that reason, assuming him to be mentally damaged, I've pretty well stopped responding to him. * He has further endeared himself by posting spammy commercial posts, trying to sell his insane theory books or get roommates or renters or somesuch. I've posted complaints, but he continues to be a member. * He's also inserted himself into other threads, posting COMPLETELY off-topic content which has nothing to do with the threads. It's very irritating. * I'm quite sure that NIM and others have attacked him back, trying to intimidate the irritating lunatic from posting further since the site owner has thus far done nothing to limit the crass jerk's bad behavior. * I understand why some of you are standing up for him, but I think you really should try to step back and check the context of what has gone on -- this is not an unjust persecution, even if some of the rebuttal posts have been insulting to this easy target.
To be honest, he may be deranged and a nuisance to you but your crass inability to accept the real problem most people have here is tiresome. What he has said is unimportant and no longer the issue. Its the attacks that have been made on another member of this site. If he is out of order its for the site owner to do something not the band of bigots on this site.
Dictionery definition of Nudist: a person who believes that going naked is enjoyable and good for the health. Its got nothing to do with whether or not a person can put together a good argument!!!
If you had not decesended into calling this person names then you may have had a point worth considering.
BTW, what sort or 'persecution' is just??
- 14 years ago
Very well said Deosil.
- 14 years ago
Ghandi said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and my mother used to tell me that 'two wrongs don't make a right'. Thing is, and its because you people keep refusing to accept that, that thiskeeps this going.
As long as he is a practising nudist, then nothing else really matters. Surely those who claim to be intelligent can rise above such a rambling post. Surely you are above that.
- 14 years ago
Ghandi said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and my mother used to tell me that 'two wrongs don't make a right'. Thing is, and its because you people keep refusing to accept that, that thiskeeps this going.As long as he is a practising nudist, then nothing else really matters. Surely those who claim to be intelligent can rise above such a rambling post. Surely you are above that.
And yet, you did the same thing when you referred to me as "crass" and others as "bigots".
As for "nothing else matters", I will disagree. I've seen forums, email lists, and news groups shut down when there was no moderation or policing and they became utterly unusable when clogged up with spam, or offensive behavior/content.
I was trying to use the site this week when I saw him post a spam post three times in a row, and it pushed a number of real threads completely off the homepage. I think the site admin deleted at least two of the duplicate posts, but it won't take much of that going on before he renders the site unsuable and potential new members will figure the forum is just spam and not worthy of interacting with.
I had discontinued responding to this thread and anything else of his until I saw people slamming the folks who criticized MannyOceans. I'd like those active in the forum to be aware of what he's been doing, and to flag him each time he posts spam or offtopic responses on threads.
I think the only way he's not had his account suspended is because he includes some reference to nudity in his spammy self-promotion postings, allowing him to slide under the bar.
And we continue to beat this dead horse, why?
- 14 years ago
Ghandi said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and my mother used to tell me that 'two wrongs don't make a right'. Thing is, and its because you people keep refusing to accept that, that thiskeeps this going. As long as he is a practising nudist, then nothing else really matters. Surely those who claim to be intelligent can rise above such a rambling post. Surely you are above that.
And yet, you did the same thing when you referred to me as "crass" and others as "bigots".
As for "nothing else matters", I will disagree. I've seen forums, email lists, and news groups shut down when there was no moderation or policing and they became utterly unusable when clogged up with spam, or offensive behavior/content.
I was trying to use the site this week when I saw him post a spam post three times in a row, and it pushed a number of real threads completely off the homepage. I think the site admin deleted at least two of the duplicate posts, but it won't take much of that going on before he renders the site unsuable and potential new members will figure the forum is just spam and not worthy of interacting with.
I had discontinued responding to this thread and anything else of his until I saw people slamming the folks who criticized MannyOceans. I'd like those active in the forum to be aware of what he's been doing, and to flag him each time he posts spam or offtopic responses on threads.
I think the only way he's not had his account suspended is because he includes some reference to nudity in his spammy self-promotion postings, allowing him to slide under the bar.
Obviously not!
And BTW, I did not call you crass, I said 'your crass inability to accept the real problem most people have here is tiresome'. And I referred to the 'band of bigots' so if you have self identified with that band then that is a matter for you. Bigot: a person who holds an opinion or belief obstinately and is intolerant of other people's opinions. Hasn'tthat been the point I have been trying to make?What other word would you use for this?
I understand that some people have difficulty with the English language, but really!
- 14 years ago