Here is a morbid topic:

What do you think are the chances that you will die naked? Morbid I know.

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

If you die in an accident your chances would be close to 100% since the first thing they do in the ER is remove all of your clothes.

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

All of the above statements are true. And, the last person to see all of us naked will be the mortician.

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

What do you the chances that you will die naked? Morbid I know.

Funereal topic indeed. The chances of me expiring while bare are quite good here, but before I go into that, it would do this topic the justice it deserves if the OP would read his post before it is sent. The first sentence has no verbs until death comes near the end, essentially murdering the whole post, and the second act isn't even a sentence. Speaking conversationally without verbs doesn't work and this forum is similar to that sort of exchange. Please proofread, my fellow bare traveler.

Most accidents happen at home, and since me and mine live full time at a nude resort, if such an accident ends up becoming fatal, yup, naked and without a pulse I would then be! Entering life as a nudist makes it all the more important to me that I leave that way, and if I do end up dying in a fiery explosion on the highway, I hope the blast does either leave nothing more than a sticky collection of my parts on the pavement or that the minimal clothing items I had on at the moment of departure are blown clean off my instantly departed carcass. It would be terribly ironic if anything less than that takes me away from this lovely bare world my honey and I do share. I'm a very careful driver just to avoid such a wretched situation - but we've all got it comin'.

The idea of a mortician being the last to see you breathe isn't reality-based since those hardworking servants of the dead are almost never going to be the last to see you in a state of undead. 'Almost never' does raise some questions, doesn't it? The news media and Hollywood always pick up a story that includes the dead waking back up - but that is an utterly rarefied situation. There are no such things as zombies, with apologies to all the witch doctors of Haiti who claim to have to potion to make it happen. Zombie apocalypses are fine fodder for foolish writers who've gotten so lost in their own minds that they have no original ideas and must drag that old thing back out of the shed and kick-start it back into life. Would 'The Walking Dead' PLEASE DIE anytime in the next millennia? Almost the only zombie movie I've suffered through is 'Zombieland' and even that was quite a slog, saved in my mind only by the talent of the actors involved and the constantly-edgy humor. Screen writers, I miss you so damned much, but hold out for what you deserve and I wish you the best!!

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

What do you the chances that you will die naked? Morbid I know.

Funereal topic indeed. The chances of me expiring while bare are quite good here, but before I go into that, it would do this topic the justice it deserves if the OP would read his post before it is sent. The first sentence has no verbs until death comes near the end, essentially murdering the whole post, and the second act isn't even a sentence. Speaking conversationally without verbs doesn't work and this forum is similar to that sort of exchange. Please proofread, my fellow bare traveler.

thanks for the proof reading.

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

What do you the chances that you will die naked? Morbid I know.Funereal topic indeed. The chances of me expiring while bare are quite good here, but before I go into that, it would do this topic the justice it deserves if the OP would read his post before it is sent. The first sentence has no verbs until death comes near the end, essentially murdering the whole post, and the second act isn't even a sentence. Speaking conversationally without verbs doesn't work and this forum is similar to that sort of exchange. Please proofread, my fellow bare traveler.Most accidents happen at home, and since me and mine live full time at a nude resort, if such an accident ends up becoming fatal, yup, naked and without a pulse I would then be! Entering life as a nudist makes it all the more important to me that I leave that way, and if I do end up dying in a fiery explosion on the highway, I hope the blast does either leave nothing more than a sticky collection of my parts on the pavement or that the minimal clothing items I had on at the moment of departure are blown clean off my instantly departed carcass. It would be terribly ironic if anything less than that takes me away from this lovely bare world my honey and I do share. I'm a very careful driver just to avoid such a wretched situation - but we've all got it comin'.The idea of a mortician being the last to see you breathe isn't reality-based since those hardworking servants of the dead are almost never going to be the last to see you in a state of undead. 'Almost never' does raise some questions, doesn't it? The news media and Hollywood always pick up a story that includes the dead waking back up - but that is an utterly rarefied situation. There are no such things as zombies, with apologies to all the witch doctors of Haiti who claim to have to potion to make it happen. Zombie apocalypses are fine fodder for foolish writers who've gotten so lost in their own minds that they have no original ideas and must drag that old thing back out of the shed and kick-start it back into life. Would 'The Walking Dead' PLEASE DIE anytime in the next millennia? Almost the only zombie movie I've suffered through is 'Zombieland' and even that was quite a slog, saved in my mind only by the talent of the actors involved and the constantly-edgy humor. Screen writers, I miss you so damned much, but hold out for what you deserve and I wish you the best!!

On the other hand, if you survived until the EMT's arrived and got you into the ambulance, you would be all but certain to die naked since one of the first things the do is carefully remove any clothing so that they can better access and evaluate your injuries. So I guess driving mimimally clothed or nude makes their job easier.
I thought that the reference to the mortician being the last person to see someone nude referred to preparing the corpse after death. Unless, of course, someone chose to be buried nude and had open casket calling hours.
Which brings up an interesting question. when bodies are cremated, are they nude?

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

Like many of you I sleep naked which means that when I was bitten by a snake at 2am I was naked. I had to wait in a shed for the ambulance with my foot elevated for 40 minutes naked and of course getting me to hospital was more important than getting me clothes. The hospital staff did not bat an eyelid, but they did want to talk to me about being in a poly relationship!I have no problem being naked and yes I am being buried on my farm so I hope that I will be naked in the earth as well

Saved the EMTs or hospital staff time because time because they probably would have removed your clothes if you were wearing any.

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

What do you think are the chances that you will die naked? Morbid I know.In fact, chances are slim unless it's a heart attack while showering :(

Not really.
Many people sleep nude and dying while asleep is common.
If you are taken to a hospital after an accident or fall, they generally remove all of your clothing to allow for a complete examination,

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

From a morticians assistant. Yes, we will be the last to see you naked. We undress you, if necessary. Then bath you and redress you and place you in the casket. The mortician completes all the other necessary steps.

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

I live naked. I'm only dressed to go out shopping, etc. So if I die at home or while camping I will be naked. If I'm in a horsepistol, I might have one of those silly gowns on. Depends on the horsepistol. Last one I spent time in, I was nude most of the time. The time before that, they were insistent I wear the gown

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RE:Here is a morbid topic:

Pacemakers have to be removed, which the mortuary will do. Doubtless not the neatest of surgeries...

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