Nude quarantine

Thanks to the generosity of one of our fellow cruisers last week who decided to share their COVID, we are stuck working from home this week. Feeling fine, but decided to spend my quarantine nude. I've been dressed less than 2-3 hours all week. We are also having a heat wave, with temps in the high 70s and low 80s (pretty good for October in New England), so good timing for a nude week.

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RE:Nude quarantine

Sorry that you were exposed to the virus but glad it's brought a positive result for the week. Yes, have enjoyed this warmer weather locally but the rain and chill are arriving soon, if we can believe the forecast. The wood stove will still allow for nude workign from home here.

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RE:Nude quarantine

Thanks to the generosity of one of our fellow cruisers last week who decided to share their COVID, we are stuck working from home this week. Feeling fine, but decided to spend my quarantine nude. I've been dressed less than 2-3 hours all week. We are also having a heat wave, with temps in the high 70s and low 80s (pretty good for October in New England), so good timing for a nude week.

I had it beginning of September, I was so sick I wouldnt been able to work for 2 weeks....Then another 2 to recover to 100%.
Get well soon

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