Has anyone ever complained?
Have any of you nude sleepers had someone object to or complain about your lack of sleepwear?
- a year ago
Not me.
- a year ago
I am discreet when sharing a room with someone other than my wife . Our grandson has complained, but he eventually learned not that barge in when the door was closed.
- a year ago
Have any of you nude sleepers had someone object to or complain about your lack of sleepwear?
My wife wears all kinds of clothes at night. I enjoy being free in bed just as much as around the house. But she usually makes a snide remark - just like when I am naked on the deck catching rays. Oh well. Like so many other wives from what I am reading.
- a year ago
Have any of you nude sleepers had someone object to or complain about your lack of sleepwear?My wife wears all kinds of clothes at night. I enjoy being free in bed just as much as around the house. But she usually makes a snide remark - just like when I am naked on the deck catching rays. Oh well. Like so many other wives from what I am reading.
My wife also wears all kinds of clothes at night, and is rarely nude in bed or around the house.
She is fine when I am nude at home unless we have company. In fact when we are home and don't have visitors and she sees me wearing anything in warm weather, she asks me if I am getting ready to go out.
She does spend a lot of time in her sleepwear at home.
When I was starting to spend more time nude a home, I would say that since she was in her sleepwear, I might as well be in mine and take everything off but my wedding band. Now I have added something to what I wear to bed, a smartwatch!
- a year ago
Given my older kids can still burst into the room if there's something on their mind, my wife's a little concerned. I haven't been 'caught', but if I were, it may solve the issue anyhow!
- a year ago
I'm very open about sleeping nude and all the benefits. There have been some snickers over the years as with any nude activity that society doesn't consider the norm, but if anything on this one - I have inspired a few just to give it a try. Response, they loved it and most cases began to sleep nude all the time. That joy of slipping into bed naked and the joy of waking up refreshed and still nude is oh so wonderful. Followed by the trip to the kitchen (still nude) for naked coffee! Sleeping in anything is always the SLEEP OF THE DAMNED for me.
- a year ago
So true !
The way the clothes twist around at night. My arms and legs get twisted up. And getting close to the wife so we can get warm together is better naked. Yes she sleeps naked as well.
- a year ago
Only my wife when we are staying at one of our kids houses. She fears I will be seen by our kids or grandchildren. That of course would be horrible.
- a year ago
Only my wife when we are staying at one of our kids houses. She fears I will be seen by our kids or grandchildren. That of course would be horrible.
If you have your own bedroom and shut the door and they walk in anyway, it is their problem. If you are sleeping in the open, I can understand her point.
- a year ago
Our granddaughters are 3 and 5. apparently it's OK with my wife if they walk in on me in the shower, but it's not OK if they see me walking down the hall to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.
- a year ago