Nude horse back riding

A number of years ago I had the oppotyunity to go for a nude hotse back ride
One of the members of the camp I stayed at brought his horse for the day and
wad giving people short rides around the camp grounds He walked and led
the horse who was very gentle and quiet Asked the owner if I needed to use a towel
He laughed and said the horse doesn't care
Without saddle or clothes I felt like part of him

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RE:Nude horse back riding

A number of years ago I had the oppotyunity to go for a nude hotse back rideOne of the members of the camp I stayed at brought his horse for the day andwad giving people short rides around the camp grounds He walked and ledthe horse who was very gentle and quiet Asked the owner if I needed to use a towelHe laughed and said the horse doesn't careWithout saddle or clothes I felt like part of him

Maybe you should audition for Equus!

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RE:Nude horse back riding

When I had horses I would ride naked a lot on my own forest trails. I did end up needing to wear a g string n poutch to keep my sensative parts up off the back of the horse, as they get pinched and agitated too much for comfort. I used a bareback pad mostly. Riding mountain trails it was next to impossible to stay on a sweaty horse back totally bareback. Especially with an active ambitious horse goin at it with excited gusto.

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