Senior Dating; Ladies I need help.

I am a life long nudist, a widower and would love to have a woman in my life. I don't believe that I am seeking anything unusual, just a companion to enjoy normal, every day activities with. The only thing that would be different would be attending nudist functions and venues.
One of the biggest barriers to meeting the right person is most women's reluctance to promote her self and her feelings of inadequacy and self doubt. We all know some very wonderful people who are forever expressing doubt about their true worth. This feeling often grows as a grows older.
That is what this note is all about. Do you know any single, older ladies who may enjoy having a male companion in her life? If you do, convince her to at least have a conversation with this gentleman. You may be able to make two people extremely happy.
On a personal note; I was raised to always treat a lady with respect and she should never feel subserviant to me. I would want a lady who I can do things for out of love and respect and hope the feelings would be mutual. Lastly, on my profile you will never find any spread eagle photos of me. I find these to be offensive and disrectful.
So ladies; Try to think about any single lady friends or acquaintances who may appreciate having a male companion in their lives and push to help us make contact.
Thank you. DesertRat, aka Fred

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RE:Senior Dating; Ladies I need help.

I hope you find someone and be the best companions to each other

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RE:Senior Dating; Ladies I need help.

Whatever works is good man

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