at what age ?

I was raised in a strictly no mention of sex home, and definitely no nudity household, however about the age of puberty I decided that I did not like being constrained by PJ's, so for a while would remove the trousers after getting into bed, as I shared a room with my brother. After a short while, and finding the night-time freedom much more comfortable for the boys, I shocked my parents by deciding to say that I would stop wearing anything in bed. So for the last 50 years I have always slept in the nude, and could not sleep any other way.

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RE: at what age ?

I started sleeping nude at age of 7, after I took my nightly bath, I would put on my PJ's but as soon as I was in bed, I would remove them. My mother and father had no idea until I was 16, by which time I had stopped wearing PJ's, would just put on a pair of gym shorts (commando) and t-shirt. I was woken by both parents one day and I was bare butt up on top of my sheets. Not a word was ever spoken about what was seen.

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RE: at what age ?

I probably got off to a late start but I was in my early 20s. I grew up in a religious home and would never have considered it when I was living with my parents. Then in college I always had roommates. So I didn't even start until after I graduated from college and had my own place.

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RE: at what age ?

About 12 or 13 once mom had tucked me in and out my room she was I would normally take off my undies or PJ's.
That was on and off till eventually I was sleeping nude all the time, specially during the hot summer days for we had no airconditioner.
I'm sure mom and dad both knew because when they come and wake me up in the morning for school I had nothing on but my sheets over me. But they never made a big deal of it, nor pretend to notice.

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RE: at what age ?

Aloha... I was about 15 when I thought sleeping in a night-shirt would be comfortable... perhaps a transition to slumber in the buff. It wasn't long before I WAS drifting off naked. Nobody reported they walked in on me with the linens cast aside, and doubt anyone noticed. It's only in a very frigid environment during travel that I might wear a t-shirt in bed... but stuck on this rock, that hasn't happened recently. It's been air head in the air bed for many years!

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RE: at what age ?

i was 10 when i first started sleeping nude it was a hot summer and we had no ac ithink like most i started by going bottomlessthen i moved to going nude. it only was a week or two before my mother came in to wake me up and found me uncovered. at breakfeast that morning to my surprise she was not mad and the only thing she asked if i planed to keep it up and it was a good thing she found out before she bought me pjs for the winter

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RE: at what age ?

I also started around 11-12; when I moved in with roommates in college, I didn't put clothes on until after my morning shower. After I graduated, for a while I had a roommate who also was in no rush to put on clothes, so we didn't put anything on until we left the apartment (as I was working at home at the time, that meant I was sometimes nude for days). Some friends would stop by and when we told them why it took a bit to answer the door, said "we don't care", so we didn't bother putting clothes on when they came over. I continued that practice after I moved into my own place, but it was another 10ish years before I started taking my clothes off when I got home as well as I realized I just didn't like clothes.

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RE: at what age ?

When I was very young I often slept nude occasionally but
later on I started to do it all the time like I do now. Of course now I spend
most of my days nude so putting on clothing to sleep is definitely out

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RE: at what age ?

I was about 11-12 I was in bed sick with a temperature so I took my pj off and it felt so good to the point things were getting a little hard. my mom came in to change the sheets and here I am nude with a boner. I think she could tell and didn't take the last sheet off. After that I started to sleep more in the nude to the point I could not sleep if I was not nude

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RE: at what age ?

I toyed with it as a child but only really started when I was a student. For one thing I had a heated bed room for the first time and no nosy parents around.

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RE: at what age ?

I was about 14-15 yo

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