RE: at what age ?

I've been sleeping nude since I quit wearing kid pajamas, probably 12 or so. I did have to wear boxers when the kids were little because they were climbing in the bed and my wife didn't think it was appropriate. I really like it in the winter when you climb into the flannel sheets. You really do stay warmer that way I think.

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RE: at what age ?

Started with the age of 12 together with my cousin, we loved to discuss it and see it when lights were still on

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RE: at what age ?

on and off at about 16. i would feel more comfortable without anything on. If i did sleep clothed, i would wake up nude and would be fine by it. would have to be careful though when i was younger since my parents didn't liked that i slept nude. They would always go "what if there is an emergency?" or something, but i disregarded it and continued anyway. but now that i have my own room, i sleep nude all the time.

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RE: at what age ?

They would always go "what if there is an emergency?" or somethingMy last emergency had me on the floor too weak to get up, let alone get dressed. The ambulance took me to the ER naked, and it worked out just fine. Only issue was that they made my wife go home and bring me clothes so they could release me.

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RE: at what age ?

I started sleeping nude at the age of 7.

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RE: at what age ?

I started sleeping nude at 13I was raised in a strictly no mention of sex home, and definitely no nudity household, however about the age of puberty I decided that I did not like being constrained by PJ's, so for a while would remove the trousers after getting into bed, as I shared a room with my brother. After a short while, and finding the night-time freedom much more comfortable for the boys, I shocked my parents by deciding to say that I would stop wearing anything in bed. So for the last 50 years I have always slept in the nude, and could not sleep any other way.

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RE: at what age ?

I started when I was 18 while away at college.

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RE: at what age ?

I started to sleep naked when I was about 9.
The first time was more by fluke. I use to share my room with my brothers. When I turned 9 we got our own rooms. I had liked to be naked for a while and I would spend time before bed naked in my room. I was tired, it had been a busy day. I had gotten undressed and was sitting on my bed. Then I woke up the next morning. On top of my covers. Then realizing I am naked. I fell asleep before I could get dressed. I was worried about my mother coming up to wake me up so I put my PJs on and went on with the day. From then I would go to bed and take my bottoms off for the over night. I did that for a little bit but found it was more comfortable to sleep naked, no matter the season or the weather.
Now I sleep naked all the time. I find it hard to sleep if I have anything on.

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RE: at what age ?

I started sleeping naked at around 10ish. I was in a summer camp and the councillor told us we let our genitals breath at night by removing our trunks. It made sense and ever since then I gradually started sleeping naked. I think I stopped sleeping textile-style at age 16. Nowadays I only sleep with boxers when I share my bed with a girl. And it makes for bad sleep...

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RE: at what age ?

I cant remember a time when I didnt sleep nude. My mother tells me stories about 5 year old me, and how shes tuck me into bed with my pjs on , but when she came in to get me up Im the morning I was naked.

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