Gag Photo

I created a gag photo, then posted it in the Love to Show My Nude Body Group. I since realized that it would be more in place, here, under Humor. I was lazy when I put the original post here in Humor. I put in a redirect link, not realizing the number of views which would result. Here is the photo and explanation without need for redirect. I hope my fellow nudists see the humor in this.
"ts no secret at the bar which I frequent that my leisure activities include nude beaches, nudist clubs and resorts.
" I would never impose nudity upon those which dont wish to view it so I made up the following as a joke.
"I took a picture of the front of the bar then Photoshopped in the nude picture of myself taken on a beach in Jamaica. Since this was designed strictly for humor, I blocked out the genital area with the black box and the type Caught You was added. An 8x10 print was then made.
I added the flap which stated Do not Remove.
I presented this to the bar owners and they requested my permission to display it in the ladies room. They placed the photo in a frame and added the flap to the outside.
"Ive been told that the flap is receiving a lot of wear and tear so it appears that the joke has been successful./span

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RE: Gag Photo

I like what you've done, being open about your nudist affiliations is great. Posting the photo where you did is a neat way to share a bit about your lifestyle, and you've done it in a good natured and humorous way.
Thank you for the kind words.
I have to admit that Ive been having a lot of fun with this. The bar owners
wife still believes that I was photographed naked in their parking lot. We are going to let her believe that for now.
One female patron came up with the old nudist quip, I didnt recognize you with your clothes on. Another waved and said, Hi, naked guy.
While I cannot recommend that everyone come out this way, I will say that I have received absolutely no negative reactions. It has all been perceived in the spirit of fun.
I believe that when the general public starts to realize that nudism is not shameful but just innocent fun, we will have more joining our ranks.

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RE: Gag Photo

Art, that was EXCELLENT!

Brilliant idea!

really funny way to promote our lifestyle.

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RE: Gag Photo

Art, that was EXCELLENT! Brilliant idea! really funny way to promote our lifestyle.
Thanks Phil

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RE: Gag Photo

I'll definitely steal that idea some time.The world needs more crazy people doing things like this, obviously.
At times , my sense of humor totally overwhelms common sense.

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RE: Gag Photo

I'd have never peeked. Y'all do believe me?

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RE: Gag Photo

I'd have never peeked. Y'all do believe me?
Hi Linda,
Absolutely not.

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RE: Gag Photo

I'd have never peeked. Y'all do believe me?

What ?
Oh, sure. Of course.

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RE: Gag Photo

I'd have never peeked. Y'all do believe me?

What ?
Oh, sure. Of course.
Hey Curt,
It's Linda. Do you really believe that she did not peek?

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RE: Gag Photo

Well, I had no choice but to peek. Both of the pictures were right there in front of me. What I said was I wouldn't have peeked if I saw it there in the restroom. Really, just like all those other ladies haven't peeked.

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RE: Gag Photo

Well, I had no choice but to peek. Both of the pictures were right there in front of me. What I said was I wouldn't have peeked if I saw it there in the restroom. Really, just like all those other ladies haven't peeked.

O.K Linda. Based on your testimony, you are found NOT GUILTY. Regarding your statement that none of the women in the ladies room peeked, either: if true an investigation must be launched as to what is causing all the wear and tear on that flap.

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