RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

I have slept nude for all of my adult life. It is the most comfortable way for me!

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

I sleep nude usually and most of the time I wake up with the morning wood. I enjoy the morning wood.

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

Yep, same here. Always Sleep nude and always have a morning wood. I love it when I go camping and come out of my tent in the morning, naked and with my morning wood. :-))

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

The two things I don't understand about these topics (sleeping nude and having an erection in the morning) are as follows.(a) Why sleeping nude is a topic anyway - doesn't every naturist/nudist sleep naked as a matter of course? In the Netherlands about one-third of people sleep nude, and many of them wouldn't call themselves naturists. So the 10% of the population who do - well, surely naked in bed? On the other hand, this topic has raised some interesting experiences of people sleeping nude away from home and so forth, so well worthwhile in the end. (b) It's well established that getting an erection forms part of the normal sleeping cycle and that the majority of men wake up hard. Often the hardest erection they'll have. But what does this have to do with being a nudist/naturist or sleeping naked? The great advantage of sleeping nude in this respect is that an erection doesn't have the uncomfortable battle with pyjamas, shorts or whatever non-naturists wear in bed. And this really is a great advantage. But, again, nothing to do with sleeping nude in itself. Anyway, sorry to be a voice of dissent, but this is how I feel. Also, sorry if this appears as a reply to the last posting. I must be really dumb, as otherwise I can't work out how to post a message here.

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

The two things I don't understand about these topics (sleeping nude and having an erection in the morning) are as follows.(a) Why sleeping nude is a topic anyway - doesn't every naturist/nudist sleep naked as a matter of course? In the Netherlands about one-third of people sleep nude, and many of them wouldn't call themselves naturists. So the 10% of the population who do - well, surely naked in bed? On the other hand, this topic has raised some interesting experiences of people sleeping nude away from home and so forth, so well worthwhile in the end. (b) It's well established that getting an erection forms part of the normal sleeping cycle and that the majority of men wake up hard. Often the hardest erection they'll have. But what does this have to do with being a nudist/naturist or sleeping naked? The great advantage of sleeping nude in this respect is that an erection doesn't have the uncomfortable battle with pyjamas, shorts or whatever non-naturists wear in bed. And this really is a great advantage. But, again, nothing to do with sleeping nude in itself. Anyway, sorry to be a voice of dissent, but this is how I feel. Also, sorry if this appears as a reply to the last posting. I must be really dumb, as otherwise I can't work out how to post a message here.I am simply replying to show support for your comments, and to let you know that this forum does not allow one to place the comment where it seems most appropriate, so you have done the best you can and done it well. Maybe your comment belongs as a new topic entirely. In any case, Yes, YES, like many things that we chat about here, sleeping nude and skinny dipping, males in locker rooms, these are not things exclusive to nudists/naturists. Many of my experiences have been with textiles who just want to let go for a day or a few hours, not forever.

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

Ummmmm who really cares...

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

yep about all us guys whether we have slept nude or heaven forbid with pjs on have woke up with that morning wood.My most memorable time of doing that was years ago. back when land lines ruled the phone world and even though my roomie and I had a 2 bedroom flat we only had one phone which was in the common area. Early one morning the phone started ringingwhile both us were still sound asleep. The natural thing to do was stumble towards the phone to answer it. I did in the buff, with my morning woodie leading the way. My roomie was in his baggy undies and I did not have my glasses on so I did not see his state.he never commented on my show , the phone call turned out to be for me. I do not remember who called that ended up so revealing for me.

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

He he. That's what I do when I go camping. :-)) Haven't met anyone else who can pee with a hard-on.

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

I think this topic is most applicable to guys who camp at naturist
resorts, not sleeping at home. I absolutely love to camp nude by myself
at naturist resorts in the warm weather. It's total freedom. I love the feeling of humid
warmth all over my entire body. I must admit that it is somewhat
arousing in itself but that's not the point. At first I was somewhat
concerned about waking up hard at a nudist resort.
Waking up in a
tent surrounded by the humid air with morning wood has a delicious
magic about it. One time I was camping at a naturist resort in Florida and
happened to be in the midst of a period of abstinence so you can imagine
that what I had was more like morning steel than morning wood and it
didn't show any signs of going away. I really had to pee so I had to go
outside the tent sooner or later so I just decided to go for it. It was
just about dawn and was barely light enough to see so I walked to the
bathhouse by the pool and hot tub to use the urinal there and take a
As I rounded the corner to the path leading to the
bathhouse I noticed an older woman smoking a cigarette in front of her
trailer. Too late now, I was on my way and she didn't mind. No harm no
foul. I think this is the big concern that should be discussed here
rather than just reporting what we all have experienced in bed at home.
still seems to be some fear that resorts will be overrun with horny men
which is why you read warnings from people who have never been. But the
truth is that it really isn't a problem in my experience. People are
people and men are men.

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RE: Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a morning wood

Hear hear Hardboy. I regularly wake up with a morning wood, even when I'm visiting my local nudist retreat or on naked yoga retreats. I've learned to accept them and not worry about then, and those who have seen them haven't been bothered either. :-))

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