First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

In my childhood, I often used to see my dad sleeping nude, if I woke up earlier than him.
Next I saw some foreigners (men) sleeping nude in a dormitory. And perhaps in some film...i still remember the scene...the hero got up from bed...he was bare bodied and lower part was covered by a quilt. He turned around, took a shorts, put it on and stood up...a stint of his naked was liKe OWO!!! THE GUY WAS SLEEPING NUDE!!!
I remember same day, I first tried it. By that time I had my own bed room, when I was 15/16. I closed the door, stripped and kept the mirror in such a way that I could see my body. It was so exciting that I could not resist from masturbation.

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RE: First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

I was about 5 years old when I saw my mother and father sleeping naked one morning. My mother told me it was because it was so hot that they slept that way. I thought it was interesting and never forgot it. I never saw them do this again. When I was about 8 years old I got into bed nude but my mother told me I could not sleep that way. I used the excuse that it was very warm and that she and my father sometimes slept naked and did this in the presence of my grandmother. My mother was a bit embarassed and was very firm and said no. I occasionally would secretly sleep nude under the covers but it was when I was about 16 that I got my own room and it was a wonderful feeling to strip nude by myself and lie on the bed with no clothes. I loved this! I did not see anyone else sleep naked until my first night away at college in a dormitory where my roommate slept naked. That gave me the permission and I began sleeping naked and never looked back. We saw each other sleeping nude every night. I liked getting in and out of bed nude and very much enjoyed our morning erections and the beauty of seeing his nude body partially wrapped and exposed in bed. One interesting note is that several years later I met someone also in college who made a point of telling people he slept naked and said he did not care if people saw him sleeping this way. One night several of the men and i went to his room and he was asleep and totally naked with no covering. I also slept naked but never spoke much about it to anyone but my room mates and close friends. We were both happy to find another person who enjoyed the practice of sleeping nude.

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RE: First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

I knew and saw that my parents slept nude, other than that I have never caught anyone sleeping nude. Other than my college roommate once did after throwing up on himself and his bed, combo of bad Chinese food and being drunk...Oh well.

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RE: First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

In my childhood, I often used to see my dad sleeping nude, if I woke up earlier than him.Next I saw some foreigners (men) sleeping nude in a dormitory. And perhaps in some film...i still remember the scene...the hero got up from bed...he was bare bodied and lower part was covered by a quilt. He turned around, took a shorts, put it on and stood up...a stint of his naked was liKe OWO!!! THE GUY WAS SLEEPING NUDE!!!I remember same day, I first tried it. By that time I had my own bed room, when I was 15/16. I closed the door, stripped and kept the mirror in such a way that I could see my body. It was so exciting that I could not resist from masturbationWhen I was 9 or so I used to go kiss my dad goodbye after breakfast, as I was off to school. He would sleep half naked and walk the bathroom holding his pj bottoms but not wear them. I would sit on the edge of the tub and watch him shower. I am cut, he is uncut, I had never seen a foreskin before. I wanted to shower with him, but he said no. Bummer !

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RE: First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

The first person I noticed in a nude slumber was my sister. I was about 9 yrs old and she was 18/19. We often shared a bed and she slept nude, she told me it was healthy, and good for the body, so when I was about 11 sleeping in my own room, I began sleeping nude, and have ever since, even when I travel. At the age of 12/13, my older brother came in to my room to wake me, and found humor in seeing my butt exposed from under the sheet "winking" at him. He simply exited my room snickering while closing the door behind him. When I was in college, some friends and I were on Spring break sharing a hotel room where I slept naked while sharing a bed with one of my friends. He seemed a bit uncomfortable with it at first, but soon got over it. I don't think he really cared I was nude all that much, though he was making it an issue on behalf of another friend in the room who was rather conservative. I didn't really care what either of them thought, I was going to sleep comfortably!

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RE: First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

When I was very little and I jumped into to bed with my parents in the morning and they were sleeping nude. Dad would walk around nude in the mornings but mom put on a house coat.

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

Growing up My dad slept nude I think my mom did sometimes too I was like 10 when I started sleeping nude it was great but it was only a few weeks before I was cought by my sister her or my mom would wake me up

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

My dad started sleeping nude when I was 10ish. Never discussed why he started doing so. Although I wore shorts to bed through college, the impression of him sleeping nude was what got me thinking about doing it. Thanks, Dad!

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

My Dad always sleep nude. We believed PJ were only need in case of fire.

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

i know i was sleeping nude before i was 16 because i would secretly while sharing a room with my bro. At 16 we remodeled our 3rd floor walk up attic to be my room and i had more privacy to not only sleep nude, but be nude in my room. I could hear someone coming up the stairs. Once off to college, I openly slept nude in front of a variety of college dorm roommates. None ever complained, but none ever openly joined me.
Now non nude sleeping nights each year are limited to red eye international flights. They sort of frown on passengers sleeping nude on planes. Other than that I sleep sans clothing wherever I am or whoever I am sharing a sleeping room with.

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

Never really knew anyone who slept naked til I met my ex. She was only one who liked sleeping naked. Even past exs didn't like it and roommates I had before wore boxers or pjs.

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