RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

That was the same for me,when we had our christmass and new year get together party there were upto 20 naked people of all ages all together,thats some of my first memories

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

When I was eight years old, and it was my first contact with nudism, my cousin was getting married and had friends who were already married, they were from another country, but for work lived in my city. One day near the wedding, we went to one of these friends to leave the invitation, and one of them had a child my age or younger, so I play in that house. It was late and my mother still did not pick me up, so I started to fall asleep in the room, after a while I heard the wife of my cousin's friend want to wake me up to accommodate me when I opened my eyes I saw a small jumper brought but did not bring nothing below. At that moment my mother arrived for me, apologizing for having arrived very late, when I went to the car and about to sleep again I heard that he told my father "they are those who sleep naked", from there my name the attention and start it to try with only 8 years of age.

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RE:First time you saw some one sleeping nude....

While I had heard of people sleeping naked before that and possibly seen pictures, the first time , the first time I actually saw it was when I went to music camp when I was 16. My roommate was an acquaintance but not a close friend. The first night of camp, he told me that he slept nude and took everything off and got in bed. At that time, I was sleeping in pajamas and while I had shared a room with friends who slept in their underwear, I was surprised that someone would sleep nude when sharing a room.

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