Ever been caught sleeping nude? How did you feel?

When i first started sleeping nude...once or twice caught by parents. Though I felt ashamed initially but seeing them cool, i was feeling comfortable.
Once I stripped while travelling in a train...I was sleeping with the curtain on. In the middle of the night a lady came who had the upper seat, mine was lower.
She was trying to see if the lower one was empty so that she could occupy that and did not have to climb up.
I could not imagine that to happen.
The train stopped in a station and I was awake. I could hear that a lady has come and looking for her reserved seat. Suddenly she pulled up the curtain and said - Ohh my god, some one sleeping nude.!!and she dropped the curtain.I just kept my eyes closed. Feeling awkward...and slowly started feeling funny.

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RE: Ever been caught sleeping nude? How did you feel?

This happened to me several times. I never close the door to my apartment with the key. So some people (friends, neighbors, merchants) knocked on the door, but as it was the morning I was still asleep and I did not hear the shots immediately. They saw that the door was not closed and they entered my apartment. I woke up and I woke up as I was, I saluted and went to put on a bathrobe in the bathroom. It happened very naturally.
By cons, another time it was a little early, around 6am. I woke up because someone tampered with the doors on the landing. As a neighbor had left his apartment a few days earlier, I first thought it was the owner who came to see the condition of the apartment. All of a sudden, I hear you open my door. Always in my mind, I got up thinking she was inflated to go home at night. I headed to the living room and saw a guy back taking off his T-shirt. At first, in the dark, not having my glasses, I thought I recognized a friend. As it was the day after the July 14 (French National Day), I thought he had to sleep out and he did not want to go home in the middle of the night .. I was going to say nonsense on this subject, when, as I approached, I realized my mistake and it was a stranger. I tapped him on the shoulder and asked him what he was doing. He replied that he had with friends. Me, even in my sleep and without thinking, I said that there was no one. I will always remember his dazed look that went from top to bottom and repeated: "There is nobody? "At these words, I became aware of the situation and the guy must have thought I was more drunk than he,. While suppressing a giggle, I replied: "No, there is no one. ... person than me! ". Then I took him by the shoulder and I did get out.

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