Nudists who don't

We take it for granted that a nudist sleeps naked, given that many textiles do so. Do you know a nudist who wears PJ's? I do. It is amusing when we are stayingon a nudist campsite, watching him get up and strip off to go to the ablutions. It just isn't cool to be seen wearing anything in public on a nudist campsite.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Nudists who don't

The very thought of it is weird.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Nudists who don't

Reminds me of a story. Years ago, a male friend spent the evening here. I had greeted him nude which he was fine with,we had supper and then when it was time to soak in the hot tub , he too stripped and stayed that way for the rest of the evening.When we went out for him to leave, he found that his motorcycle would not start and it was storming. So I offered to let himstay the night and crash on my couch. He was glad for the offer. But when he went to bed he put his underwear back on.In the morning we jumped his cycle battery. Me nude him clothed before he took off.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Nudists who don't

Seems odd to me too, but i have not worn anything in bed for many, many years. If a am cold I get another blanket, not pj's. But different strokes...

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  • 10 years ago