Why I sleep in nude

When I was first marriage, my wife and I had trouble knowing when the other one was available for sex. So I came up with this idea. Whenever I was ready for sex I would go to bed in the nude and when she was ready she would come to bed nude. From that night on, I have slept in the nude, even in the winter. After our divorce, I still sleep in the nude even though there is no one there.

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

I simply sleep nude because it is more comfortable, and it makes it easier for my body to regulate body temperature when i sleep which makes for a more restful sleep.
In the winter, it doesn't take long for my body to warm up the bed, an dI sleep better if I am a little cool as opposed to a little warm.

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

I sleep nude because I feel comfortable. I started sleeping nude before my marriage. After marriage I have continued. I sleep nude even in winter.I can not sleep well with dress.

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

I started sleeping nude when I was about 9 or 10, have no idea why, and have never slept with anything on since!

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

I sleep nude all the time and love it. I started when I younger and never stopped during it. Oh wait I did, I could not sleep nude when I was in the navy, but I did it a few times but after I left I was back sleeping nude. It is sad I do it alone all the time but I can deal with it.

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

I am much more comfortable nude and also like the feel of the sheets. When sleep in pajamas or underwear I wake up in middle of night with the below waist twisted up in the underwear/pajamas from moving around in my sleep. Much cooler temperatures and agree that lower body temperatures when in bed is much better for you health wise as I have heard from people in the medical profession.

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

ii been sleeping nude since I was 8 and enjoy it plus I hate being in clothes period even when out of bed

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

reason number one. I feel restricted in any clothing. elastic waist band rubs, anything with sleeves bunches up.simply lying between 2 soft sheets is so freeing.
reason number two. Since if at home i am nude, why would i put something on to go to bed?

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

The buttons on pjs would make laugh.Why are these buttons so big and what is pocket doing on the pj top? Sleeping nude is much easier and natural.

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

Clothes tie and tangle me when I sleep in them, so I started sleeping naked a long time ago for comfort. Years after, when I became a nudist and began seeking times and places to be naked, being naked in bed was not just comfortable, it was an extension of my nudity. It felt even better!

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RE: Why I sleep in nude

I have been sleeping nude for years now and as I am now
living in a clothing optional community where I spend most of my days nude I see no reason
to put clothing on to go to bed

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