I sleep naked, but my wife never did.

Should have known there were going to be problems... 600 count sheets or better and I'm out like a light.

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RE: I sleep naked, but my wife never did.

Should have known there were going to be problems... 600 count sheets or better and I'm out like a light.I have always slept naked. My wife never has until around 10 years ago when she tried it and has not looked back since. She still will not bare all on a beach or our secluded back garden though, more's the pity.

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RE: I sleep naked, but my wife never did.

I'm detecting a theme. For the ladies present, why do you think there's a preference to get dressed for bed? For my ex, it was "What if the house catches fire in the middle of the night and we have to run outside." A bit paranoid there.

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RE: I sleep naked, but my wife never did.

My wife has the same concerns about a fire issue. After many years she has gotten down to just panties. If she does start out sleeping nude, by morning she's has her underwear back on.

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RE: I sleep naked, but my wife never did.

My wife sleptin a nightyat first while I slept naked. We had a spirited sex life and sheeventually ran out of nighties. From then on we both slept naked. A naked cuddly was always needed before drifting off to sleep. One night we had a bit of an emergency. We woke to hear running water. On going downstairs we were wading in a few inches of water. So we turned off the water, opened the front door and bailed out. About an hour later the water was mostly gone and we realized we were both naked. If there was a fire the firefighters would be mostly concerned about our welfare and would throw blankets over us. I guess they have seen it all before.

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RE: I sleep naked, but my wife never did.

I'm detecting a theme. For the ladies present, why do you think there's a preference to get dressed for bed? For my ex, it was "What if the house catches fire in the middle of the night and we have to run outside." A bit paranoid there.I've slept naked for over 35 years now since I was 13. I sleep naked no matter where I am or who I'm with... My ex wife slept with night clothes on but if I took them off her to have sex she slept naked. Had a few ex G/F's who came up with the fire thing as well, so I said how old are you? Home many fires have you been in and how many of your friends have ever had a fire lol ahhhhh ok I'll try lol

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