Boston Men Hanging Out Nude Outdoor

Group for men who like to hang outdoors with other men. Discussion of favorite spots to sun, gay outdoors camping, the L Street beach, Cape Cod, and other places in the area.

Hosting 9/18-9/21

Single guy here looking to socialize nude (food, drinks, sporting event, movie, gaming). I'm on the north coast north of Boston. Please message me and we can work out date/time!

Nude socializing

Any ideas for nude socializing this fall and winter? Anyone ever host naked get togethers or know of good places to hang out nude?


Probably should have posted this here before now and don't know how many of yu have heard of this or have been to it before, but the Eastern Naturist Festival is comeing back to MA in July 2023. Here is the link with the info:...

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Snap or Telegram group?

Anybody interested in putting together a Snapchat or telegram group for Boston-area guys?

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Looking to make new connections

Hi there, young guy new to the nudist scene in Boston and looking to meet other nudists/naturists. Feel free to reach out :)

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Does anybody in the group have a fireplace at their home? It would be nice to get naked and lay in front of a roaring fire and warm our buns during the colder months. Being a massage therapist, I'll be more than happy to give you a massage, as...

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L Street Beach nude?

I have heard things about L Street beach being nude, but it sounds too good to be true. Is that something that doesnt happen there anymore?

Where is River Rock?

Hi guys! is there anyone here would kindly share me google map where exactly river rock nude beach people talking about ? the thing is I don't know the area and not from boston Thanks, Seth

Need Help With New Nude Photos/Avatar

Need some new photos for my profile that show what I really look like so people that meet me won't think I'm trying to fool them. The photos on my profile are about 20 years old; not a techie kind of person, so could use some help with this....

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L Street Beach nude?

I have heard things about L Street beach being nude, but it sounds too good to be true. Is that something that doesnt happen there anymore?

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