Men Who Are "Smaller Then Average"

Men Who Are "Smaller then Average"

Small (-ish)

For a lot of years I was very conscious of the size of my cock and always thought that it was far too small. I've since discovered that it's on the shorter end of the average spectrum. I'm not a porn star so I don't need (or indeed...

PNW Seattle Small Swimming friends

I love skinny dipping! Always have, its so freeing! I always do it alone because Im small and insecure around my friends whole are all hung it seems. I have had a few experiences swimming around others but Im always the smallest and its less...

57 year old small male

I'm a 57 year old home nudist and I'm looking for people who are interested in chatting, talking about anything and everything,I'm in East Kent area and am free most weekends for a face to face chat/coffee/beer Please get in touch if you...

World Naked Bike Ride - WNBR

Ive done this and would like to do it again. No matter what you look like, everyone appreciates you doing it and its huge ego boost Yep Im Im small as well and still had people wanting their photos taken with me.

Skype chatrooms

Active Skype Chatrooms : TN / Skype room - cleanish chatroom to catch up . Seniors room - For 50+guys only . Naked Playroom - for naked fun :) . Naked Lounge - lounge around and chat naked . Nudist Fun Room - lighthearted fun room mainly for...

Shaving the bush to make it bigger?!?

I have heard that many people shave their bush to make their cock look bigger. Has anyone done that?!? I would never do that as I like my thick bush. I think people should keep it there too.

Big and small

Hi all, recently joined the site after coming across it online. I'm a (very) chubby 43 year old Indian guy from the West Midlands in the UK with a smaller uncut penis when flaccid. I'm usually shaven smooth and combined with my large belly,...

Latest PostThank you!
by Bigguy43 
Does it matter ?

Love this group. I always felt uncomfortable about my size but never got complaints from my wife (till now). Isnt it all about what we do with what we have ?

Acceptance of my smaller than average penis

Because I am a tall guy people always seem to think I have a huge penis when in fact it is quite small. Some years ago when I was 16 and starting work I had to go for a medical which was quite intrusive and I remember the old doctor saying hmmph it...