Nude Gardeners

A group for fellow gardeners from around the world.

Cut the grass inside the privacy fence nude yesterday
While only a small part of the lawn, still felt good.

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RE:Nude Yard Work

Some men have also mentioned opening the crotch seam to create something like a loincloth. Ever tried that?

I haven't done that, but I have a utility kilt that I sometimes wear for gardening, usually in the front garden.

I do have a ladies mini kilt which literally just covers what needs covering but I haven't thought about gardening in that. I bought it as an easy way to cover up if required when out walking, but in the end I just didn't cover up. (Being in a group made me braver)

To be honest, I feel like I'm wearing less when I have the shorts on. The only annoying bit is that I keep falling out the bottom.

The good news is that last night I finally got the tree stump up, so with the materials having been delivered today I can start on the paving tonight

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RE:Nude Yard Work

Well, the whole job took me just short of two weeks, mainly because I was only managing about 90 minutes per night including setting up and packing up.

Two roses transplanted. One tree cut down and dug up. A 10x10ft area dug up, levelled, pegged, dry mixed base laid and paving flags put down. The last bit was a nightmare as the flags were not even with many being thicker at one end. I was told afterwards that a wet cement base would have been easier because it's more malleable. Oh well, never mind. I'll know better for next time when I lay a patterned paved circle under our picnic table.

This work was not done naked. I was wearing the correct PPE - work boots and gloves :)

Now I'm half way through the lovely job of shaking the soil off the turf that I dug up so we can re-use the soil and dispose of the grass. it's more back breaking that laying the paving.

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RE:Nude Yard Work

Some men have also mentioned opening the crotch seam to create something like a loincloth. Ever tried that?

I wonder what would happen if you wore an actual loincloth? The traditional Japanese kind is called a fundoshi, and you can find a diagram of how to wear it here:

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RE:Nude Yard Work

I always work nude on my landscaping projects weather permitting. I'm working on redoing the backyard that's about 3/4 of an acre. It's on a good sized hill with no usable backyard. I tiered it out, working on building retaining walls, patio areas and eventually put in some real grass not the weeds taking over. Good thing with the heat this summer most of it I was able to do nude.

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RE:Nude Yard Work

Does raking the last leaves of fall,,in the first 3 inches of snow, count as 'gardening'? I did rake briefly in the nude, but too cold out to stay long or get the camera to work! Low 20s tonight again and still gotta rake up the end of season leaves in my yard.
It certainly counts by my standards.

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RE:Nude Yard Work

Your a brave man. Snow and cold was the reason we moved south!

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RE:Nude Yard Work

My "yard" is not what needs worked on usually. I really don't know what to call yard around here. Guess I don't have one. Or; where does the yard stop and the forest begin? Anyway sometimes I do a little maintenance on the front end of the land where the buildings and activity is, which is remnants of forest mingled with buildings and gardens and places that grow up in weeds if not kept mowed. But most of that is taken care of by my brother and cousin. Most of my "yard work" is not yard work, but rather forest and farm work up on the isolated mountainside where naturist work is wont to be done. Doing that today half to all naked since it's just barely warm enough to do so. Came down to check the radar photo to see if the rain's moving in, naw, just a passing sprinkle. Looks like I can work the rest of the day without much sky water. In warm weather I wear shorts around the front of the land, so I'm not being too out of the ordinary to those who don't do naked. (loose short shorts) But back out of sight I wear nothing mostly. Except now it's back and forth with more or less cool weather coming on.
Whenever there's an in between kind of situation, risk of someone being around and yet I'm wanting to minimize, I might wear something riskier. Like short shorts with the side seam split, I've tried the seam cut out entirely and like that, but have to go with longer kilt style, the short one slips up easily and exposes so much I might as well not bother wearing it at all. I'm thinking of maybe getting a strip of tanned leather and trying the old fashioned American Indian breechclout, But that would be riskier being no one around is used to seeing a man in something with no side coverage. It's all in what people are accustomed to it appears. There's no right or wrong about any of it. But what people aren't used to they think something is wrong with it. Our minds handle traditions or customs in strange ways. Just because we do something out of the ordinary people take notice and think we're weird or something is wrong with us. and naked in our society is really out of the ordinary and therefore people really think something's wrong with it and make it a crime, when there's really nothing wrong with it. In spite of advanced technology and our supposedly enlightened civilization, we still have some really stupid ideas. So stupid as to be on the level of nonsense dark age superstitions. But sometimes I like to look like I just stepped out of ancient history.

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