Nude Gardeners
A group for fellow gardeners from around the world.
which pair would trade places with a nd pictures - naked in the garden. we have yahoo messeger
Hi, Been waiting for opportunity & weather to go visit Malmesbury, but its a good three hours run for us, so a serious trip. Does anyone know of gardens closer to Sussex? Alternatively, maybe a farmer, landowner or someone with secluded estate or...
Hi all, been enjoying the weather and my backyard. I have some tall bushy trees that I use for privacy along my fence line. I had them trimmed several weeks ago and some of my privacy has been compromised. My question is, if I over water the holes...
I recently planted a pink Hydrangea. I know that it is pink in alkaline soil and blue in acid soil. What is the best, and safest, way to turn it to acid soil?
Does anyone have their garden coming up yet? If so, what is being grown and have you done anything unique to get your garden growing?
So, who is the local cucumber expert?I have a plant, put it in the ground next to some Matos and some greenie peppers. Dang thing has gone wild but hasn't produced just yet.My question is: Do you tie up/off or brace cucumbers? I have tomato...
9 hours in garden yesterday. Nude. Building new stone wall, planting annuals and perennials. Mulching. Will post pix. Got covered in dirt. Head to foot. This morning, skin feels healthier. Happier.. Alive. Like the microorganism a in dirt...
Natural & Organic Spring Bazaar June 13th 10am -2pm Free event No need to RSVP... Venders $25 and must register please contact for Vender form 262-673-2919 Paul or Jane
I saw some cheap green houses at Lowes and Home Depot and I was wondering if anyone has ever tried them? Not rich enough to build a great one but I'd like to have one. Any luck anyone? Thanks, and stay naked my friends
Just curious to know how many of you have any sort of greenhouse or hoop house. I built mine a few years ago and it's been great. Not only do I get season extension for my plants, but also for my nude gardening. Although it was -27 degrees (F)...