Nude Gardeners

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wish i could do all my gardening nude

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I wish i could do all my gardening in the nude but i can't, i have a small yard at home where i can do everything in the nude, so this year i spent world naked gardening day naked their planting seeds into plug out trays etc, when they'd started growing they were ready to transfur to my allotment garden here in Billingshurst.
While i have a great plot in the middle of the allotment site, the allotments are right next to a public footpath, so even if no other plot holder was there i couldn't go nude.
I have a compromise though in the form of two extra long tee shirts i was give as part of the uniform when i worked as an agency driver, they're so long that when i'm wearing my very short cut off denim shorts, the shorts are covered, this allowed me to go naked under the shirt when on one else was around, then as soon as someone else turned up i could slip the shorts back on, sometimes slipping off the shirt shortly afterward thus giving the illusion that i'd had them on all the time.
The allotments only opened up this year so a lot of work has had to be put in just to get it going, and theirs still a lot of work to doeven now, and over the time i've spent up their this year i've got to know and recognise most of the other plot holders, this means that i can now tell at an instant as a plot holder enters the allotments if he or she is going to be coming my way or not,which told me whether i needed to put my shorts back on or not.
i've been lucky this year in being able to do about half the work up their without pants on, and the more i know whos who, the more time ican spend without pants on, and a couple of weeks ago i had a week off work and spent it almost entirely bottomless, even though one or two others were on the allotments, and was able to get my winter onions and garlic planted without pants.
Next year i have a little plan to get some time in up there in the nude, but i can't be seen to be nude, so i'm practicingpainting on a pair of short using bodypaint, that way i could be naked, yet seem from a distance as though i'm dressed, i'll let you all know how i get on when it happens, so heres to next years world naked gardening day.

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