Todays Nude Joke

Everyone needs a good laugh to get through your day. Please share your Jokes, Fun stories, Fun Pictures, and what ever makes you smile

Clothing on Thanksgiving

Heard this on TV yesterday. Morning, "I'll dress up and look good for our company." After dinner, "Will notice if I unbutton the waistband of my pants? Probably not, so I will do it and and be a little more comfortable."...

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Went by one of my fave nudist resorts but I guess they're only open in summer. Sign read "Clothed for the Winter."


A place for cartoons with a nude or clothing-optional theme.

New President.

The President of Ikea has just been elected to be President of Sweden. It will take him about a week to put his Cabinet together!

The Elephant at the Zon

An old one, shared with a friend today and thought I'd share here. (May have done it years ago, but long enough to share it again.) --- Father, Mother and Son are on a trip to the zoo. While at the elephant exhibit the dad goes to get drinks as...

Vacuum clraner

If you think your microwave and TV spying on is bad Your vacuum cleaner has been gathering dirt on you for years.

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My roommate argues that I have schizophrenia. Jokes on him, I dont have a roommate.

Husband wants to impress his wife.

Wife comes into the kitchen. Wife: Why are you naked and covered in baby oil? Husband: You said I don't glisten very well, so here I am! Wife: I said you don't Listen very well!

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Funny Answer

Grandson: Granddad, please put a shirt on before my friend comes for a visit. Me: Why? Grandson: You man boobs are big enough to milk like a cow. Me: Moo.

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Volleyball anyone?

What is the worst advice a coach can give a nude volleyball team? Play hard.