Todays Nude Joke
Everyone needs a good laugh to get through your day. Please share your Jokes, Fun stories, Fun Pictures, and what ever makes you smile
If Dr. Jekyll goes to a nude beach does he tan his Hyde?
While enjoying a Church service one fine Sunday in the second row, an elderly woman sitting in the front row leaned to her husband and said I just did a silent fart, what do I do? The whole back row said put new batteries in your hearing aid.
If someone gets rid of all of their underwear, have they been debriefed?
Saw this in an ad. It could have a different meaning if you don't click on the link represented by the last two words. With a 5" inseam, RedHead Beachcomber shorts are a little easier to move, hike, and Show more.
I got fired from my job because I put my dick in the golf ball washer. My wife laughed, she said she didn't like me working at the golf course anyway. She asked, what happened to the golf ball washer? Well, she got fired too.
I was visiting my son's house the other day, and I asked him for a newspaper, he said no one reads newspapers anymore, he said here use my iPad. I said okay and that fly didn't know what hit him.
Get your wife up on the bed on all fours. Mount her from behind. Grab a breast with each hand. Say, "These are almost as nice as your sister's." Try to hang on for thirty seconds.
An old lady was standing at the railing of the cruise ship holding her hat tight so that it would not blow away in the wind. A gentleman approached her and said, Pardon me, madam. I do not intend to be forward but did you know that your dress is...
Works better when delivered verbally, but I will post it here anyway. When I go for a walk, my clothing decreases as the temperature increases. Under 50: Shorts, t shirt. hoodie, sweatpants 50 - 60: No sweatpants. 60 - 70: No hoodie. 70 - 80: No...