Frequently Asked Questions

The most popular questions will reside in here

Posting pictures on my page

How can I add pictures to my page? It's been so long I forget how I did it.

Working nude

Would anyone work nude at your job if you are allow to work nude? Has anybody ever work nude at their work after work hours or during work?

Old profiles

Is it possible to get back my old profile and account. I left TN for a little while, I was a fully paid up member, I have seen the error of my ways and would like my old account back. Is that at all possible, or do I have to start from scratch again.

Age verification

I have tried to press the age verification button but nothing happens. And believe me, I am way over the minimum age. How do I get verified?

Trail of Clothing?

Is anyone else so eager to undress when you get home that you remove your clothes when walking through the house, leave them there and pick them up later? I used to do that, especially when getting home from work or an evening meeting or rehearsal....

Is there an actual "download"...

Looking at my media I noticed a sort option for "downloads" and clicked it, and indeed a few of my pics showed that they had been downloaded, once each. (I'm not personally disturbed by this.) The upper-left icon over each picture...

Getting rid of the dirtbags

I agree that the site is not as naturist friendly as it should be and far too many fakes abound in the membership rolls; I have seen very few real suggestions regarding the best way to clean up the site. The only concrete suggestion was to use...

Post Count

I have made 9 posts in the past day and a half but my post count has not changed. Has anyone else noticed the same thing happening to them?