Humor and Fun

Post your jokes, funny articles here. Anything goes.

more m's

maybe mr mighty man moon might manage more mad men making marmalade muffins monday morning,making merry mary mighty moody mashing mangeled musk melon melody,maybe mad max might make matters more messy

Balancing an egg...

Just wanted to wish every one a HAPPY SPRING! And for our friends in the southern hemisphere...Happy Autumn! (For those of you who don't understand the title to this is supposedly the one day of the year that you can stand an egg...

Animal Jokes

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by ManOfWicklow 
What would you call yourself?

I've been called some names on here, like 'terrible tom the tormented troll'. Well ok its not a problem to me but it did get me thinking. Taking that theme, how would we describe ourselves in a happy way, stringing together as many words...

Make a sentence up, using FilmTitles.

Using only the names of films, try and make a sentence. Try not touse any extra words, but if you have to, then don't use more than one per sentence. My Fair Lady, Lost in the Woods, Dances with Wolves.

Take This High School Exit Exam

I came across the suggested new High School Exit Exam (for fun folks) below and I thought I would see how many would take a stab at answering them. Maybe one week later, I would list the answers and each person answering could test their Expert...

Golf Jokes.

Latest Post
by ManOfWicklow 
Possible real, possibly faked....

Either way, a man after my own heart..... THIS IS AN ACTUAL PERSONAL AD FROM THE "SAVANNAH TRIBUNE" NEWSPAPER ........ This has to be passed on .... ACTUAL PERSONAL AD To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me In Downtown Savannah night before last....