Newbie Nudist Area

Introduction to Nudism and any of the awkward questions you may have

hey new to nudism and new to Savannah

Hi yall. I'm in Savannah and I wanna experience nudism like all nudists should, together in harmony. Right now I don't have anyway and would love to meet other nudists here in Savannah if possible. I don't have a car yet but can take a...

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Greetings from N Ireland

Hello all I have practiced naturism on and off when the opportunity arises for several years. In my part of the world that can attract unwarranted attention of course. My girlfriend and I were going to get right into the lifestyle but sadly that...

Hello from the Netherlands

New at this website. Have been a nudist since I was 16 (am now 38). Only in the last few years discovered that being naked is what I love doing most in life. Have now decided I want to live a nudist/naturist lifestyle fulltime. I would like to do...

I feel I fail at socializing here.

I am trying to contact young nudists in Ontario (both male and female) and since no one is responding to my letters, I am assuming no one wants to be my friend. Maybe I am asking a bad icebreaker question which is if they have ever been to a beach...

apollo or Playalinda

Hi all We were suppose to go to Apollo this afternoon, but thing i was a bit cold. We lovo to go tomorrow(sunday).. we have been talking about apollo or Playalinda Witch is best? most people??.. Thanks

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Apollo tomorrow

hi all We are gooing to Apollo for the first time tomorrow. we will arrive around 03 pm, what parking lots should we stop at. When we get to the beach does the nudist arear start rightthere, or do we have to go left or right. thank

Hello Hello People

Hello Just joined. Went on chat it was a bit weird IS everyone here so creepy? Sam, from UK by the way. Hi

worryed about my 1st time

hi all me n my gf r going on holiday in a few weeks n she want 2 go on 2 nude beaches but i'm worry about getting hard dont want us 2 get kicked off. so just seeing is it ok 2 walk about like that cheers


Hello from Croatia, everyone here well i'm not new to nudity ...and all of that ....but i don't have much people to be nude with


We just became certified, and I am trying to view some photos. When I click the see my pictures button it takes me to a blank page. All that is on there is the back to profile button. It even happens if I try to get to our photos. Can anyone tell me...