Newbie Nudist Area
Introduction to Nudism and any of the awkward questions you may have
STOP PRESS: Hi nudedudes. I haven't been 100% lately. In fact I have been 110% given the size of the lymphoma that grew from nothing in 5 weeks. Had one lot of chemotherapy in outpatients and the lump has almost gone. But it is an aggressive...
Hey everyone. 26 yr old male here. New to the site. Have been interested in nudism for years but never really done much about it. I live in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Look forward to meeting some like-minded people.
Hi, I am new to the group so thought I would say hello.I am from South Lincolnshire UK
Hi there, hope everyones having a good time.I just joined and am looking for new friends with whom i can practice nudism and feel more comfortable. Am a little bit shy, but i want someone with whom i can feel the open air touching my skin
Haven't been on this site in almost a year. Getting back on and getting back into touch with my nudist roots. Want to meet some awesome people and get my boyfriend into the culture and lifestyle as well. I'm also in the fitness industry and...
Hi everyone, I am pretty new to the whole nudist thing and came across this site and am hoping to meet some like minded feiends (platonic only please) to chat with so I can learn more about the whole nudist life. I've wanted to try nudism for a...
Hello everyone!I wanna know so of the moments that people can remember when you knew that becoming a nudists was for you. Like what event took place to get you to fully commit. Thanks Everyone
Hi. I am on the coast north of Newcastle and interested in meeting other nudists up this way.
Im 44 and like being nude. Would like to be able to have nudist friends. Please feel free to add me up.