I always sleep naked
Warmer Weather
Now that the weather is warming up I don't have to keep the heat on to go nude at home!
Naked Sleep
Is there any other way?Have done for last 40+ years.Not happy when visiting friends or people that are not naturist come to stay.
Dr Oz sleeping nude and weight loss
Dr. Oz post says that sleeping nude can help you lose weigh https://www.tvshowupdate.com/tag/dr-oz-sleeping-naked-to-lose-weight/
Nude Sleeper
Always sleep in the nude .. winter or summer.
Going Commando
Hi , I have been enjoying the freedom for years, could not go back!
er doesnt everyone sleep naked??
Ill be sleeping alone from now on!
Pravda magazine says sleeping naked improves...
Here is what the short article says: "Sleeping without underwear is beneficial to physical and mental health, a new study said.Sleeping naked is more natural for human beings. It rejuvenates, makes a person feel better and reduces the stress...