General Discussion

Flag a fake

User is using a well known model's photograph so presumably a fake profile Debby19 Rocky Mount, North Carolina US


Hi folks, I was on this site and was a certified member. When I went to start CHATRTC I started getting the below happening: Javascript loaded. Scripts loaded. COULD NOT RETRIEVE TEMPLATES To try and fix this issue I closed my previous account and...

ANF, GNA & NRE joining forces

ANF, GNA, and NRE Unite for the Public Decency and Nudity Clarification Bill A Major Surge in Support! In a powerful show of unity, the Australian Naturist Federation (ANF), Get Naked Australia (GNA), and NaturismRE (NRE) have come together to...

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Why do many bitcoin traders hide as nudist?

Hello, I find it very amusing, how many bitcoin traders hide behind a nudist profile. It is always the same procedure: you are asked to switch to a different communication platform. After a few chats they try to talk you into bitcoin investments....

Story heard from a fellow traveler.

Last night over our farewell dinner a young British gal related a story about her volunteer EMT father. On the south coast of England there is an official nude beach that is a fairly long hike from the road. The EMT team got a call from a sunbather...

Non certified members

I wonder if its just me or is there a lot of people on here trying through pm's to get people to communicate with them elsewhere! I had one a while back trying to get me to meet up in a Motel, who tried to get me to pass over my bank card...

Zero Based Wardrobe

Someone on another board posted that when he retired, he intended to stock up on supplies, get rid of all of his clothing, stay clothing free as long as possible, and then order clothing item by item as he needed it. way, he would wind up with...

Very positive reaction to my tshirt

I am traveling with a small group. Today I wore my " WE ARE ALL NUDIST IN DISGUISE " shirt. A British couple saw it and immediately told me that they used to own an apartment in the nude town in France. They sold it and now visit it in the...

helo from Perth

looking for some female friends to hang out wioth in Perth Western Auststralia i am 55 single male i enjoy the outdoors also pm on here

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Pleasant surprise at the grocery store

It's summer here and it's humid and hot at the moment. It's not unusual to encounter locals shopping at the local grocery store that have not long hopped out of their pool and made their way to the grocery store ('shops' as we...