The Mens Room

Discussions on Male Related issues with Nudism

Male Focused Massage

After closing due to Covid, I am re-opening the massage service. Happy to offer quality massages to men and women. No draping needed. Private session room with heated table and heated lotion.

Speedos or board shorts

Hey everyone I was curious about when you are obligated to wear swim wear what is your go to? Swim briefs or board shorts? I love both. Briefs for the limited fabric and the closest thing to being naked, how ever I find they can be restricting. On...

Just remembered story

In the mid 80s I shared a large flat with another single guy in Oak Park IL. We each had our own rooms and had big common areas. Being the 80s one land line phone was our connection to the outside world. The phone was in the dining room. Early one...

Explore nudism in Person

Anyone interested to meet in person ? I believe thats who nudism should be best enjoyed .. Am Kathy

Sauna on the cruise ship

Over the years I've had several trips on a cruise ship. Most locker roooms have a sauna only for men. On the ship where I was last week there even was a steam room too. I've cruised with this company a few years ago and practically all men...

Fulltime freeballers

How many of you hate wearing underwear and you are full-time freeballer?

Nudist locations EU solo trip

Hey, Im looking for a male only nudist resort or air bnb. Pretty short notice thinking next week. Any recommendations for a sollo trip just want sun, sea or pool to just catch up with some reading and catch some rays. Cheers

Male Health Question: Penile Implants.

I am a 73 year old male who had an acute ischemic stroke in October 2016. Prior to my stroke I had no problem getting erections, but after my stroke I could not longer achieve one. ED medications did not work. Ironically, I could still achieve...