Todays Nude Joke

Everyone needs a good laugh to get through your day. Please share your Jokes, Fun stories, Fun Pictures, and what ever makes you smile

Go Navy!!

It seams a Navy Pilot in Washington State had nothing better to do then sky write a big penis. I think it's funny and he did a good job, but I don't think the Navy is laughing.

Thank you

New to this group and would like to thank all those who contribute to it! I can't tell a joke worth a darn but greatly enjoy reading these. Thanks again to all who do contribute!

First nude joke

Getting out of the shower, Joe said, it's just to hot to wear clothes today. Asking his wife what the neighbours would think if he mowed the lawn in the nude. She replied, probably that I married you for your money.

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A Good Year

What do you do with 365 used condoms.... Make a tire out of them and call it a good year.

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Three nuns and the flasher

Three nuns were sitting in a park enjoying the sunshine, a picnic and a chat when a guy approached them in a coat and flashed them. One had a stroke, the other two were not fast enough.

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If your pants are too tight for a big meal, take them off.

the PC Admiral has no balls

instead he bowed to the PC editors of all thought and action. I'm ashamed of your gutless stand Admiral - - WTF,O? 22tango2 USN Retired

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Another Saturday night

The wife got so mad at me she packed my bags and told me to get out. As I walked to the door, she yelled, I hope you die a long, slow, painful death. I turned around and said, So, you want me to stay.

a quote .

they say love is Blind , Marrage restor,s it ..

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here is the link to the balless navy

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