Newbie Nudist Area

Introduction to Nudism and any of the awkward questions you may have

Hiking nude in the woods

Do you own or know of a person in West Michigan who would allow a gentleman nude hiker to hike on their wooded country property? I am not comfortable hiking on public property where there is a significant chance of stepping on other peoples rights....

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Hey I'm new and close to actually going to a naturist event. I have a couple of things that are on my mind. Firstly I'm quite nervous about doing it but know that it is just because its new but I'm in a wheelchair that shouldn't be a...


Hi everyone! Im new to the site. If you have any advice or anything, Im all ears. Looking forward to meeting great people!

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New here... got questions

Hey everyone... Im new here... Im kinda just testing the waters. By no means am I a nudist yet I do have questions; So what constitutes someone as a nudist? Is nudism at home considered being a nudist? Do we all believe a time and place for...

Do naturists chat using online video calls...

Just joined and not sure how things go on this site or what people are seeking. I am stuck in my house and wonder if there are any individuals or groups, here or online elsewhere, who make skype calls (probably using other video calling methods but...

Hello - somewhat new to beeing active here,...

Hello all Some about me, Nudist for some years, not as active as id like, tho beach and local sauna is nice, and go when i can, but ont know many and like to make contact with likeminded people. Im 32 years old norwegian (Norway, EU), single with a...

Suggestions for screened porches?

So I have my privacy fence; but any suggestions on what I can put on the screen to allow me outdoor freedom without risk of indecent exposure? I was thinking of a ground up curtain; but the hubs wants to go top down; I think it would restrict air...

Hi, I'm a newbie

Very new to nudism, I've only been nude in my room so far. Hoping to find friends and people to talk to. People to help me get out of my shell and experience what the nude world has to offer.

Closet Nudist

Does a closet nudist come out of the closet? Genuine question

Does anyone know some nudism organization...

As a Chinese nudist , I want to find some local organization,could anyone help me?